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9<br />


Bÿ nÊi ti’ng vÌi m„n b∏nh xËp waffle, trn m∆t b∏nh phÒ Æ«y kem t≠¨i, tr∏i<br />

c©y vµ sËt chocolate ch∂y. Tuy nhin, tıng vÔng kh∏c nhau Î Bÿ lπi c„ mÈt<br />

ki”u b∏nh waffle Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa ring m◊nh. C∏ nh©n t´i th◊ m m»n vÌi m„n<br />

b∏nh waffle ki”u Antwerp, ®n tπi Däsirä de Lille, mÈt qu∏n cµ ph vµ b∏nh<br />

ng‰t nh· c„ tı n®m 1903. T´i Æ’n qu∏n hai l«n vµo buÊi chi“u, lÛc nµo cÚng<br />

th†y Æ´ng kh∏ch. Nh≠ng trong mÈt thµnh phË lπ, n’u bπn Æ’n mÈt qu∏n mµ<br />

chÿ c„ m◊nh lµ kh∏ch du lch n≠Ìc ngoµi, th◊ Æ„ ch›nh lµ n¨i bπn bi’t m◊nh nn<br />

quay lπi thm vµi l«n n˜a!<br />

Waffle ki”u Antwerp c„ ph«n cËt b∏nh xËp vµ nhã, kh´ng dµy vµ "n∆ng" nh≠<br />

b∏nh ki”u Brussels. Waffle Æ∆c bi÷t Î qu∏n ®n vÌi kem t≠¨i vµ mÈt vin kem<br />

vani, vÌi sËt n©u n†u tı r≠Óu vµ mÈt ›t tinh ch†t ph†n hoa Æ∆c bi÷t, th¨m vµ<br />

ng‰t nhã n¨i Æ«u m´i.<br />

¸ Schrijnwerkersstraat 16<br />



M∆c dÔ c„ tn ti’ng Anh lµ "french fries" nh≠ng Bÿ mÌi<br />

ch›nh lµ qu h≠¨ng cÒa m„n khoai t©y chin phÊ bi’n toµn<br />

th’ giÌi. Khoai t©y chin Î Bÿ lµ mÈt m„n ®n v∆t Æ≠Íng phË<br />

rŒ ti“n vµ r†t phÊ bi’n. Chÿ vÌi kho∂ng 6 Euro lµ bπn Æ∑<br />

c„ mÈt ph«n khoai khÊng l vÌi ÆÒ loπi n≠Ìc sËt t˘ ch‰n<br />

h†p d…n. VÀy Æ©u lµ l˝ do Æ” bπn nn b· ra g«n 13 Euro<br />

cho mÈt ph«n khoai t©y chin nh· x›u tπi Frites Atelier<br />

Amsterdam?<br />

B› mÀt nªm Î chÁ, chÒ ti÷m khoai t©y chin "sang ch∂nh"<br />

nµy - Sergio Herman, vËn lµ mÈt Æ«u b’p 3 sao Michelin,<br />

tıng n†u ®n h¨n 20 n®m cho mÈt nhµ hµng hπng sang Î<br />

Zeeland. Sau chıng Æ„ n®m n†u b’p, mÈt h´m ´ng quy’t<br />

Ænh b· b’p Æi... b∏n khoai. Vµ th’ lµ Î Antwerp, t´i Æ∑ c„<br />

c¨ hÈi th≠Îng th¯c m„n khoai t©y chin ngon nh†t tr«n<br />

ÆÍi: Khoai t©y chin ®n kÃm vÌi b h«m ki”u Flanders vµ<br />

sËt mayonnaise.<br />

¸ Korte Gasthuisstraat 32<br />

8<br />


Belgium is famous for its waffle cakes, whipped cream cakes, and fruit with<br />

chocolate sauce. However, different regions of Belgium have their own unique<br />

version of waffles. My personal favorite was the Antwerp style waffles, which<br />

I ate at Däsirä de Lille, a small cafä and cake shop dating to 1903. I went<br />

to the shop twice in the afternoon, and it was crowded everytime I went.<br />

When you are in a strange city, and you visit a shop where you find<br />

yourself the only foreigner, you know you gotta come back a few<br />

more times!<br />

Antwerp style waffles are light and soft, and not as<br />

doughy and "heavy" as the Brussels style waffles.<br />

The waffle that I had was served with<br />

whipped cream, a vanilla ice cream<br />

scoop and drizzles of chocolate on<br />

top. The taste was exquisitely<br />

sweet and tantalizing.<br />

¸ Schrijnwerkersstraat 16<br />


Although named "french fries" in American English, Belgium<br />

is actually the home of the fried-potato dish that has become<br />

popular all over the world. French fries in Belgium are a cheap<br />

and popular street snacks. At 6 Euros, you can enjoy a huge<br />

portion of french fries with all kinds of self-served delicious<br />

sauces. What should be the reason to spend nearly 13 Euros<br />

for a serving of the french fries at the Frites Atelier Amsterdam,<br />

you might ask?<br />

Let me reveal to you that the owner of this french fries<br />

restaurant is Sergio Herman, a three Michelin-starred chef<br />

who had worked for over 20 years at a high-end restaurant in<br />

Zeeland, Netherlands. After years of cooking, Sergio decided to<br />

leave his kitchen to sell french fries. So, here I was in Antwerp<br />

having the opportunity to enjoy the most delicious fried potato<br />

in the world: French fries served with Flanders-style beef and<br />

mayonnaise.<br />

¸ Korte Gasthuisstraat 32<br />

7<br />


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