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Th∏ng 4 tÌi, nhµ thi’t k’ (NTK) L Thanh Hoµ sœ giÌi thi÷u bÈ<br />

s≠u tÀp mÌi nh†t trn Du thuy“n Paradise Elegance, Æ∏nh d†u<br />

h∂i tr◊nh thÍi trang Æ∆c bi÷t l«n Æ«u tin trn vnh Hπ Long.<br />

Trong ∏nh chi“u hoµng h´n tıng Æ≠Óc CNN m÷nh danh lµ<br />

khung c∂nh Æãp nh†t Th’ giÌi, trn s©n th≠Óng cÒa Du thuy“n<br />

Paradise Elegance sang tr‰ng, giÌi mÈ Æi÷u sœ Æ≠Óc m∑n nh∑n vÌi<br />

bÈ s≠u tÀp Æ«y ch†t th¨ tı L Thanh Hoµ - "NTK cÒa c∏c Hoa<br />

hÀu" trong lµng thÍi trang Vi÷t. ß©y lµ mµn tr◊nh di‘n thÍi trang<br />

Æ«u tin di‘n ra gi˜a lng Di s∂n.<br />

Ghi d†u l«n Æ«u tin vÌi ng´i v qu∏n qu©n trong cuÈc thi thi’t<br />

k’ thÍi trang Aquafina Pure Fashion 2009, trong 9 n®m qua L<br />

Thanh Hoµ Æ∑ x©y d˘ng vµ khºng Ænh thµnh c´ng v th’ lµ mÈt<br />

trong nh˜ng nhµ thi’t k’ xu†t sæc nh†t Vi÷t Nam vµ ti’n vµo th<br />

tr≠Íng quËc t’.<br />

Thi’t k’ cÒa L Thanh Hoµ Æ≠Óc c∏c nµng HÀu mang Æi "chinh<br />

chi’n" tπi c∏c Ɔu tr≠Íng sæc Æãp lÌn nh≠ Hoa hÀu Th’ giÌi, Hoa<br />

hÀu Hoµn VÚ, Hoa hÀu Tr∏i ߆t,... B†t ngÍ h¨n c∂, thin th«n nÈi<br />

y Leomie Anderson Æ∑ l˘a ch‰n Æ«m dπ hÈi tı L Thanh Hoµ<br />

cho th∂m hÂng cÒa show di‘n Victoria’s Secret danh ti’ng tπi<br />

Th≠Óng H∂i n®m 2017.<br />

"Hoµ th˘c s˘ xÛc ÆÈng vÌi s©n kh†u sæp tÌi trn Du thuy“n<br />

Paradise Elegance - mÈt s˘ l˘a ch‰n hoµn h∂o mµ ngay tı nh˜ng<br />

gi©y phÛt Æ«u tin tr∂i nghi÷m, Hoµ tin chæc Æ©y lµ m∂nh ghäp<br />

cn thi’u cho bÈ s≠u tÀp mÌi cÒa m◊nh. Tr◊nh lµng bÈ s≠u tÀp<br />

gi˜a lng Di s∂n Thin nhin Th’ giÌi Vnh Hπ Long, chæc chæn<br />

lµ d†u †n kh´ng th” qun Æ≠Óc trong s˘ nghi÷p thÍi trang cÒa<br />

Hoµ", NTK L Thanh Hoµ chia sŒ. "BÈ s≠u tÀp "M∆t TrÍi ß´ng<br />

D≠¨ng" l†y c∂m h¯ng tı h◊nh ∂nh M∆t trÍi, vµ nh˜ng trang phÙc<br />

thanh lch cÒa phÙ n˜ Vi÷t thÍi Ph∏p thuÈc. qu∏ tr◊nh chu»n b<br />

Æang Æ≠Óc hoµn thi÷n Æ” giÌi thi÷u tÌi c´ng chÛng nh˜ng m…u<br />

thi’t k’ Æ∆c sæc."<br />

Show di‘n d˘ ki’n käo dµi 1 giÍ ÆÂng hÂ, tr◊nh di‘n tı 30 Æ’n<br />

45 thi’t k’ bÎi 15 ch©n dµi nÊi danh lµng m…u Vi÷t, ti’p nËi bÎi<br />

nh˜ng mµn tr◊nh di‘n nhπc sËng ngay trn boong tµu.<br />

"Lµ du thuy“n lÌn vµ sang tr‰ng nh†t Vnh Hπ Long, mang phong<br />

c∏ch ki’n trÛc ÆÈc Æ∏o, cÔng m‰i trang thi’t b tËi t©n, Paradise<br />

Elegance trÎ thµnh l˘a ch‰n hoµn h∂o cho show di‘n thÍi trang<br />

hoµnh tr∏ng cÒa nhµ thi’t k’ L Thanh Hoµ.". §ng Nguy‘n Cao<br />

S¨n, Gi∏m ÆËc ßi“u hµnh Paradise Vi÷t Nam. "Show di‘n chæc<br />

chæn sœ lµ mÈt buÊi tËi Æ∏ng nhÌ, kh´ng chÿ trong lng nh˜ng<br />

kh∏ch mÍi tham d˘, mµ cn Æ” lπi d†u mËc kh„ qun trong th<br />

tr≠Íng thÍi trang Vi÷t Nam."<br />

ß” t◊m hi”u thm th´ng tin chi ti’t v“ h∂i tr◊nh trn Vnh, bao<br />

gÂm show di‘n thÍi trang nÊi ngµy 20 th∏ng 4, h∑y truy cÀp www.<br />

paradisecruise.com.<br />

Famous fashion designer Le Thanh Hoa brings<br />

high design to high seas in April, with the firstever<br />

floating show in Halong Bay onboard Paradise<br />

Elegance cruise.<br />

The unprecedented launch of Le Thanh Hoa's prefall<br />

collection "The Oriental Sun" takes place during<br />

sundown on the sundeck of Paradise Elegance 2, one<br />

of two 200-ton steel vessels launched by Paradise<br />

Vietnam last year. This is the first fashion cruise has<br />

ever been held in the water of uNESCO World's<br />

Heritage Site Halong Bay.<br />

Since winning the prestigious Aquafina Pure Fashion<br />

design competition in 2009, Hoa has established<br />

himself one of the premier designers in Vietnam.<br />

His dresses have been worn by contestants in the<br />

Miss World, Miss Earth and Miss Universe pageants<br />

as well as by supermodel Leomie Anderson, who<br />

arrived at last year's Victoria's Secret Fashion Show in<br />

Shanghai in one of his numbers.<br />

"I am really thrilled with the show aboard Paradise<br />

Elegance. This is going to be my once in a lifetime<br />

memory for launching my collection in the midst<br />

of the uNESCO World's Heritage Site.", said Le<br />

Thanh Hoa, fashion designer. "The Oriental Sun" is<br />

inspired by symbols of the sun and the most elegant<br />

Vietnamese women's attire of the French colonial<br />

era, and Paradise Elegance is the perfect match for<br />

my upcoming looks. I am preparing the best for this<br />

collaboration."<br />

The show will entail 30 to 45 looks presented by<br />

15 famous Vietnamese models. It is expected to last<br />

about 45 minutes and be followed by live music.<br />

The Paradise Elegance, which measure 61 meters long<br />

and 13 meters wide and offer 31 spacious cabins, are<br />

one of the largest ever deployed in Halong Bay for<br />

overnight cruising. "Sure, size matters, but so does<br />

style and substance," asked Nguyen Cao Son, Paradise<br />

Vietnam's Chief Operating Officer. "Paradise Elegance<br />

has those qualities as well, which is what makes a<br />

partnership with Mr. Hoa such a perfect fit."<br />

"It's going to be an evening to remember," said Cao<br />

Son. "There's no doubt about it."<br />

To learn more about its cruise division including the April<br />

20 fashion cruise, go to www.paradisecruise.com.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


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