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Tr≠Ìc khi Æ’n Antwerp (Antwerpen trong ti’ng Hµ Lan vµ Anvers<br />

trong ti’ng Ph∏p), t´i Æ∑ bi’t Æ’n c∏i tn Æ∆c bi÷t cÒa thµnh phË<br />

qua truy“n thuy’t v“ g∑ khÊng l Druon Antigoon. G∑ khÊng lÂ<br />

nµy th≠Íng hay ch∆n c∏c tµu bu´n qua lπi Î cˆa s´ng Scheldt Æ”<br />

Æfli ti“n "lÈ ph›". Nh˜ng ai kh´ng tr∂ sœ bfi Druon Antigoon ch∆t<br />

m†t mÈt bµn tay vµ quºng xuËng dflng s´ng!<br />

C©u chuy÷n v“ s˘ t∏c oai t∏c qu∏i cÒa Druon Antigoon l‰t Æ’n<br />

tai Silvius Brabo, mÈt chµng l›nh La M∑ trŒ tuÊi. Silvius Æ∑ chi’n<br />

thæng Druon Antigoon, vµ cæt bµn tay cÒa g∑ khÊng l quºng<br />

xuËng dflng Scheldt nh≠ mÈt c∏ch Æ” tr∂ thÔ cho nh˜ng nπn nh©n<br />

cÒa hæn. BÎi th’ mµ Antwerp, trong ti’ng Hµ Lan vµ ti’ng Anh<br />

cÊ, c„ ngh‹a lµ "näm bµn tay Æi"! Ngµy nay, khi Æ’n gi˜a qu∂ng<br />

tr≠Íng lÌn Grote Markt cÒa thµnh phË, bπn sœ bæt g∆p b¯c t≠Óng<br />

chµng thanh nin Silvius Brabo Æang xoay ng≠Íi l†y Ƶ, näm Æi<br />

bµn tay cÒa g∑ khÊng l Druon Antigoon ÆÈc ∏c.<br />

Antwerp lµ thµnh phË cuËi cÔng trong hµnh tr◊nh Amsterdam<br />

- Brussels - Bruges - Ghent - Antwerp cÒa t´i trong chuy’n ngao<br />

du T©y ¢u vµo cuËi n®m 2017. MÈt vµi ng≠Íi bπn ngh‹ rªng t´i c„<br />

ph«n h¨i "hµo ph„ng" cho mÈt thµnh phË ›t Æ≠Óc d©n du lfich nhæc<br />

Æ’n khi Æ’n Bÿ, thay v◊ dµnh nhi“u thÍi gian h¨n cho "Venice cÒa<br />

ph≠¨ng Bæc". Nh≠ng vÌi hai ngµy l≠u lπi Æ©y, t´i lπi th†y hËi hÀn<br />

khi m◊nh kh´ng th” Î l©u thm Æ≠Óc n˜a.<br />

N’u cÚng c„ k’ hoπch kh∏m ph∏ thµnh phË lÌn th¯ hai Î Bÿ nµy<br />

trong n®m nay, nh†t Æfinh bπn kh´ng th” b· lÏ 10 Æi“u sau Æ©y.<br />

Prior to arriving in Antwerp (Antwerpen in Dutch<br />

and Anvers in French), I had learned that the<br />

city got its unique name from a legend about a<br />

giant called Druon Antigoon. The giant exacted<br />

a toll from passing boatmen on the Scheldt river.<br />

Those who refused to pay had their hand cut off<br />

and thrown into the river by Druon Antigoon.<br />

The story of Druon Antigoon's monstrous deeds reached Silvius<br />

Brabo, a young Roman soldier. Silvius went on to defeat Antigoon,<br />

chop off the giant's own hand and toss it into the river to avenge<br />

his victims. Hence the name Antwerp, which means "throw the<br />

hand" in Dutch and Old English. At the city's Grote Market, you<br />

will find a statue of a young Silvius Brabo mid-throw, disposing of<br />

the hand of the evil Druon Antigoon.<br />

Antwerp was the last destination on my Amsterdam-Brussels-<br />

Bruges-Ghent-Antwerp European tour in late 2017. Some might<br />

think I spent rather "too much time" in such a little known city<br />

of Belgium instead of visiting the popular Bruges - referred to as<br />

"The Venice of the North". My two-day stay in Antwerp did not do<br />

it justice, and I regreted not staying longer.<br />

If you are planning to explore this city, the second largest in Belgium<br />

in <strong>2018</strong>, do not miss the following 10 things to do in Antwerp.<br />

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