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10<br />

HÄNH TRçNH<br />

ñ Tı thÒ Æ´ Brussels, bπn c„ th” Æi<br />

Antwerp bªng xe lˆa, m†t kho∂ng 45<br />

phÛt. ß©y lµ c∏ch di chuy”n ti÷n lÓi<br />

nh†t. Bπn c„ th” mua vä xe lˆa tr˘c<br />

ti’p tπi nhµ ga Gare du Midi (Gare<br />

Zuid) Î Brussels.<br />

CHé D√N<br />

ñ Antwerp lµ thµnh phË lÌn th¯ hai<br />

Î Bÿ vÌi kho∂ng nˆa tri÷u d©n, nªm Î<br />

vÔng Flanders nn sˆ dÙng ti’ng Hµ<br />

Lan lµm ng´n ng˜ ch›nh. Tuy nhin<br />

ng≠Íi d©n Æa ph≠¨ng sˆ dÙng ti’ng<br />

Anh r†t tËt.<br />


ñ Gi∏ vä vµo cˆa cÒa b∂o tµng<br />

Rubensshuis lµ 8 euro. N’u bπn cn<br />

gi˜ vä xe lˆa Æ’n Antwerp trong ngµy,<br />

sœ Æ≠Óc gi∂m 2 euro.<br />

ñ Vä vµo cˆa b∂o tµng Plantin-<br />

Moretus lµ 8 euro.<br />

ñ Tı Antwerp Centraal, bπn c„ th” Æi<br />

metro Æ’n trπm Meir Æ” tham quan<br />

Rubensshuis, sau Æ„ Æi bÈ Æ’n nh˜ng<br />

Æi”m cn lπi trong thµnh phË.<br />

LU ≥<br />

ñ N’u Æi Æ´ng ng≠Íi, khi Æ’n<br />

Vlaeykensgang, bπn nn gi˜ trÀt t˘ v◊<br />

hŒm kh∏ nh·, khi n„i chuy÷n ti’ng<br />

vang r†t lÌn.<br />

ñ Khoai t©y chin Î Frites Atalier<br />

Amsterdam kh∏ to. Bπn c„ th” ®n<br />

thay b˜a tËi.<br />


Nhæc Æ’n Bÿ, kh´ng th” kh´ng nhæc Æ’n<br />

chocolate. Vµ Antwerp cÚng kh´ng ph∂i lµ ngoπi<br />

l÷. Kh∏c hºn vÌi nh˜ng cˆa hµng b∏n chocolate<br />

sË l≠Óng lÌn cho du kh∏ch nh≠ Î Brussels ho∆c<br />

Bruges, mÁi cˆa hµng chocolate Î Antwerp lµ<br />

mÈt gallery thu nh· Æ«y m ho∆c, vÌi tÒ k›nh<br />

thæp ÆÃn vµng, bµy nh˜ng vin chocolate n©u<br />

b„ng b»y, tr´ng Æãp vµ tinh x∂o nh≠ n˜ trang<br />

Ææt ti“n vÀy.<br />

N’u bπn muËn t◊m ki’m mÈt hÈp quµ chocolate<br />

"chu»n Bÿ", vÌi nh˜ng vin chocolate hoµn h∂o<br />

tuy÷t ÆËi, h∑y t◊m Æ’n nhµ Günther Wattä.<br />

Bn cπnh chocolate, b∏nh quy Bÿ cÚng ngon<br />

ngoµi s¯c t≠Îng t≠Óng. B∏nh quy Î Æ©y th≠Íng<br />

Æ≠Óc ÆÛc h◊nh bµn tay handje, trn c„ phÒ hπnh<br />

nh©n bµo m·ng. MÈt sË ti÷m cn trang tr› vµi<br />

vin kim c≠¨ng gi∂ ln bµn tay, k’t hÓp gi˜a<br />

truy“n thuy’t v“ g∑ khÊng l Druon Antigoon<br />

vµ lch sˆ ch’ t∏c vµ ki”m Ænh kim c≠¨ng cÒa<br />

thµnh phË.<br />

K’t thÛc chuy’n hµnh tr◊nh Æ’n vÔng Ɔt th†p,<br />

trong vali cÒa t´i c„ mÈt hÈp Æ«y nh˜ng handje<br />

th¨m lıng mÔi vani vµ hπnh nh©n, mua tı ti÷m<br />

Philip's Biscuit. Nh˜ng ngµy lπnh lœo Î Na Uy,<br />

Æ≠Óc ngÂi bn l s≠Îi Æang reo t› t∏ch, nh©m nhi<br />

b∏nh handje cÔng trµ n„ng bn ng≠Íi bπn ÆÍi<br />

tr®m n®m, ngoµi kia t´i m∆c trÍi gi„ m≠a.<br />

¸ Günther Wattä: Steenhowversvest 30 -<br />

Philip's Biscuit: Korte Gasthuisstraat 39.<br />

Enjoy Belgian chocolate<br />

cake and the hands cake<br />

It is impossible not to mention chocolate in<br />

Belgium, and Antwerp is no exception. In<br />

contrast to the large number of chocolate shops<br />

in Brussels or Bruges, each chocolate shop in<br />

Antwerp is like an enchanting mini gallery where<br />

the glass shelves are decorated in golden strings<br />

of light with each chocolate piece looking sleek<br />

and shiny like an expensive piece of jewlery.<br />

If you are looking for a true Belgian chocolate<br />

box with perfectly made chocolate pieces in it,<br />

look no further than the Günther Wattä.<br />

Besides chocolate, Belgian biscuits are also<br />

beyond delicious. Biscuits here are usually<br />

shaped like a hand (handje) with a layer of<br />

thinly grated almonds on top. Some adorn a<br />

fake diamond ring on the hand to tell the story<br />

of the giant Druon Antigoon and the city's<br />

history in diamond making.<br />

At the end of my trip, my suitcase was filled<br />

with fragant vanilla and almond handjes bought<br />

from Philip's Biscuit, a charming shop found on<br />

Korte Gasthuisstraat. During the cold winter<br />

days, to sit with my partner by the fireplace<br />

and enjoy the handje with a hot tea is the best<br />

feeling in the world.<br />

¸ Günther Wattä: Steenhowversvest 30<br />

- Philip's Biscuit: Korte Gasthuisstraat 39.<br />

Get there<br />

ñ From Brussels, you can take the train<br />

to Antwerp as the most convenient<br />

way to travel which takes about 45<br />

minutes. Train ticket can be bought at<br />

the Gare du Midi (Gare Zuid) Station<br />

in Brussels.<br />

Language<br />

ñ Antwerp is the second largest city<br />

in Belgium with a population of about<br />

half a million. The city is located in<br />

the Flanders region, so Dutch is their<br />

the primary language. However, local<br />

people speak English very well.<br />

Sightseeing<br />

ñ Admission to the Rubensshuis<br />

Museum is 8 euros. If you present<br />

your train ticket to Antwerp within<br />

the day, the ticket costs only 6 Euros.<br />

ñ Admission for the Plantin-Moretus<br />

Museum is 8 euros.<br />

ñ From the Antwerp Central Station,<br />

you can take the metro to Meir<br />

Station to visit Rubensshuis, then walk<br />

to other attraction spots in the city.<br />

Note<br />

ñ If you are traveling in a group, keep<br />

quiet when you are in Vlaeykensgang<br />

since the alley is very small and has<br />

loud echo.<br />

ñ A serving at the Frites Atalier<br />

Amsterdam is quite generous, and can<br />

substitue dinner.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


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