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TR£N CAO<br />

Tı qu∂ng tr≠Íng Grote Markt, bπn Æi bÈ<br />

chıng... vµi b≠Ìc ch©n lµ Æ’n nhµ thÍ lÌn<br />

Cathedral of Our Lady. Nhµ thÍ Æ≠Óc x©y<br />

d˘ng vµo th’ k˚ 16, vÌi th∏p chu´ng cao<br />

123m. ß©y cÚng lµ th∏p chu´ng nhµ thÍ<br />

cao nh†t Î "VÔng Ɔt th†p" (bao gÂm Hµ<br />

Lan vµ Bÿ). VÌi ÆÈ cao Æ∏ng n” nh≠ vÀy,<br />

th∏p chu´ng nµy ph∂i m†t 169 n®m Æ” hoµn<br />

thµnh. Vµ tı trn Æÿnh th∏p nh◊n xuËng,<br />

Antwerp vÌi nh˜ng m∏i nhµ cam tr´ng bä<br />

tão nh≠ m´ h◊nh ÆÂ ch¨i thu nh· vÀy.<br />

¸ Handschoenmarkt 13<br />


From the Grote Markt, a few steps away is<br />

the Cathedral of Our Lady. The cathedral<br />

was built in the 16 th century with a 123m tall<br />

bell tower which is considered the tallest<br />

church bell tower in the Low Countries<br />

(including the Netherlands and Belgium).<br />

With such an impressise height, the bell<br />

tower took 169 years to complete. Looking<br />

out upon the city from the top of the tower,<br />

Antwerp and its orange roofs look like<br />

miniature toy models.<br />

¸ Handschoenmarkt 13<br />



Vlaeykensgang xu†t hi÷n tı cuËi th’ k˚<br />

th¯ 16, c„ nhi÷m vÙ nËi gi˜a hai phË<br />

Hoogstraat vµ Oude Koornmarkt. T´i t◊m<br />

Æ’n Æ©y vµo buÊi s∏ng sÌm, khi c∂ thµnh<br />

phË cn Æang say gi†c nÂng. Qu∂ kh´ng b‚<br />

c´ng dÀy sÌm, rÂi Æi qua Æi lπi n®m l«n b∂y<br />

l≠Ót Æ” t◊m ra hŒm nh· Vlaeykensgang nµy.<br />

Vıa b≠Ìc vµo trong, t´i nh≠ muËn reo<br />

vang ln v◊ th›ch thÛ. Vlaeykensgang tr´ng<br />

xinh nh≠ th” mÈt b¯c b≠u thi’p tı thÍi<br />

xa læc, bÁng mÈt ngµy n‰ Æ≠Óc ph∏t hi÷n<br />

ra trong chi’c hÈp trang s¯c cÚ c†t trn<br />

m∏i nhµ.<br />

BuÊi s∏ng, trÍi lπnh khi’n mÔi xµ b´ng gi∆t<br />

qu«n ∏o th¨m tho tı nhµ nµo Æ„ c¯ quy’n<br />

luy’n kh´ng muËn tan Æi, cn mÔi cµ ph<br />

mÌi pha cn †m n„ng th◊ lan trong kh´ng<br />

kh›. T´i ≠Ìc chi nhµ m◊nh Î hŒm nh· lπ mµ<br />

quen nµy!<br />

¸ Oude Koornmarkt 16<br />

Vlaeykensgang tr´ng xinh nh≠ th” mÈt b¯c<br />

b≠u thi’p tı thÍi xa læc, bÁng mÈt ngµy n‰<br />

Æ≠Óc ph∏t hi÷n ra trong chi’c hÈp trang<br />

s¯c cÚ c†t trn m∏i nhµ.<br />

Vlaeykensgang looked like a beautiful<br />

old postcard that someone suddenly<br />

discovered in an old jewelry box hidden<br />

up in an attic.<br />

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The Vlaeykensgang alley dates back<br />

to the late 16 th century, and connects<br />

Hoogstraat, and Oude Koornmarkt with<br />

one another. I decided to get there early in<br />

the morning when the city was still asleep.<br />

It took me a while to find this picturesque<br />

passage, but it was worth it.<br />

I was taken with joy and surprise the<br />

moment I stepped inside the alley.<br />

Vlaeykensgang looked like a beautiful<br />

old postcard that someone suddenly<br />

discovered in an old jewelry box hidden up<br />

in an attic.<br />

In the morning, when the dew was still<br />

cold, you could easily smell the beautiful<br />

fragance of someone's laundry detergent<br />

and the aromatic smell of freshly brewed<br />

coffee in the air. How I wished to wake up<br />

to this smell everyday of my life!<br />

¸ Oude Koornmarkt 16<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


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