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Hµng loπt tÊ hÓp ti÷n ›ch xa hoa cÔng h÷ thËng dfich vÙ qu∂n l˝ xu†t sæc<br />

tı ƨn vfi qu∂n l˝ d˘ ∏n, tÀp Æoµn The Ascott danh ti’ng, sœ th˘c s˘ bi’n<br />

D1mension thµnh Æ›ch Æ’n cÒa giÌi th≠Óng l≠u. C„ th” k” Æ’n s¯c h†p<br />

d…n cÒa h b¨i n≠Ìc m∆n sµn k›nh vµ phflng Gym trn kh´ng ngæm nh◊n<br />

c∂ thµnh phË hay nhµ hµng sang tr‰ng, tr≠Íng h‰c, b÷nh vi÷n, trung t©m<br />

th≠¨ng mπi vµ c∏c dfich vÙ ch®m s„c c∏ nh©n Æ∆c quy“n nh≠ Æ∆t vä m∏y<br />

bay, Æ∆t nhµ hµng, kh∏ch sπn, dfich vÙ ÆÁ xe, dfich vÙ vÀn chuy”n trong<br />

khu´n vin d˘ ∏n... ß„ Æ“u lµ nh˜ng ti÷n ›ch tr≠Ìc giÍ chÿ c„ m∆t tπi c∏c<br />

khu nghÿ d≠Ïng vµ kh∏ch sπn 5 sao, kh„ Æ≠Óc tÀn h≠Îng ngay tπi nhµ.<br />

D1MENSION vÌi phong c∏ch Branded Residence khºng Æfinh s˘ ph∏t<br />

tri”n v≠Ót bÀc cÒa tr› tu÷: con ng≠Íi ngµy cµng Æπt tÌi Æÿnh cao cÒa s˘<br />

h≠Îng thÙ khi bi’t Æ«u t≠ th´ng minh!<br />

Luxurious facilities combined with excellent management<br />

services from The Ascott Limited, a leading international<br />

residence owner-operator, are expected to transform<br />

D1mension into a premium residence for the wealthy. From<br />

glass-enclosed saltwater swimming pool, to fully-equipped<br />

gyms with breathtaking view of the city, to luxury restaurants, schools,<br />

hospitals, shopping centers, and exclusive personal care services such as<br />

flight booking, restaurant booking, hotel booking, parking service, and<br />

shipping service within site. These are all the facilities that previously<br />

could only be found in 5-star hotels and resorts.<br />

D1MENSION as a Branded Residence will lay its foundation in creating<br />

a whole new level of premium housing.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


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