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SËng gi˜a th’ k˚ 16-17, danh h‰a Peter Paul Rubens lµ mÈt h‰a s‹ nÊi ti’ng Î<br />

Hµ Lan theo tr≠Íng ph∏i Baroque, vµ lµ mÈt ng≠Íi chu ∂nh h≠Îng tı danh h‰a<br />

ng≠Íi ≥ Rafael. LÛc sinh thÍi, ng´i nhµ nµy nh≠ mÈt "l∑nh Æa" cÒa ring ´ng.<br />

ß©y lµ n¨i ´ng sinh sËng vµ lµm vi÷c trong x≠Îng vœ, Æ„n nh˜ng Ưa con cÒa<br />

m◊nh chµo ÆÍi vµ nh◊n chÛng lÌn ln. ß©y cÚng lµ n¨i ´ng ti’p Æ„n r†t nhi“u<br />

kh∏ch qu˝, bao gÂm c∂ nh˜ng ng≠Íi trong hoµng tÈc.<br />

C®n nhµ cÒa ´ng, nay lµ b∂o tµng Ruibenshuis, th” hi÷n ch›nh x∏c t›nh c∏ch vµ<br />

con ng≠Íi cÒa Rubens: mÈt ng≠Íi hoπt ng´n vµ qu∂ng giao, th´ng thπo nhi“u<br />

ng´n ng˜. Nh≠ng khi Î nhµ, ´ng chÿ lµ mÈt ng≠Íi Ƶn ´ng trung nin kh´ng<br />

m≠u c«u g◊ h¨n s˘ yn †m cÒa gia Æ◊nh.<br />

¸ Wapper 9-11<br />

Visit the Rubens House (Rubenhuis)<br />

Peter Paul Rubens was a famous 16 th and 17 th century<br />

Baroque painter from the Netherlands, and was a fan of<br />

Rafael's, the Italian painter. In his day, this was the house<br />

where Rubens created his masterpieces, watched his children<br />

playing in the garden, and received his high, noble, and even<br />

royal guests.<br />

His home, now the Ruibenshuis Museum, accurately reflects<br />

Rubens' quirky personality: a talkative, social, and multilingual<br />

speaker, but at the same time a simple middle-aged man who<br />

seeked nothing more than the peace of his own home.<br />

¸ Wapper 9-11<br />

30 PH@T ô L¢U ßÄI HET STEEN<br />

S∏t bÍ s´ng Scheldt lµ l©u Ƶi Steen (Het Steen trong ti’ng Hµ Lan). ß©y lµ c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc<br />

cÊ x≠a nh†t Î Antwerp, Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng tı th’ k˚ th¯ 11. C„ lœ bπn Æang thæc mæc v◊ sao t´i lπi<br />

dµnh ra 30 phÛt Î Het Steen? BÎi Î Æ©y c„ chi’c ÆÂng h c∏t cÊ x≠a nh†t th’ giÌi, vµ c∏t ch∂y<br />

trong ÆÂng h ÆÛng 30 phÛt mÁi l«n! Ngay lËi vµo cÒa l©u Ƶi Het Steen lµ t≠Óng nam th«n<br />

Semini, v th«n cÒa tuÊi trŒ vµ sinh s∂n, trong th«n thoπi Bæc ¢u. T≠¨ng truy“n nh˜ng ng≠Íi<br />

phÙ n˜ Î Antwerp Æ“u Æ’n c«u kh»n Semini Æ” mong sÌm c„ con, vµ v◊ th’ ng≠Íi d©n Antwerp<br />

tr≠Ìc Æ©y t˘ cho m◊nh lµ "con ch∏u cÒa Semini".<br />

¸ Steenplein 1<br />

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Spend 30 minutes at the Steen Castle<br />

On the Scheldt riverbank is the Steen Castle (Het Steen in Dutch). This is the oldest building in<br />

Antwerp, built back in the 11 th century. Perhaps you are wondering why I spent only 30 minutes at<br />

Het Steen. Here stands the oldest sand clock in the world with the sand flowing for exactly 30 minutes<br />

each turn! At the entrance to Het Steen is a bas-relief of Semini, the Scandinavian God of youth and<br />

fertility. It is said that the women of the town all appealed to Semini when they desired children, thus<br />

inhabitants of Antwerp previously referred to themselves as "children of Semini".<br />

¸ Steenplein 1<br />

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