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DÑo quanh quÅng tròng<br />

lõn Grote Markt<br />

Grote Markt lµ tn g‰i chung cho nh˜ng qu∂ng<br />

tr≠Íng lÌn Î Bÿ. Antwerp cÚng vÀy. Tπi Æ©y,<br />

ch›nh gi˜a qu∂ng tr≠Íng lµ b¯c t≠Óng chµng<br />

Silvius Æang näm Æi bµn tay cÒa g∑ khÊng lÂ<br />

Druon Antigoon. Ph›a sau l≠ng chµng lµ Ta Th<br />

ch›nh Antwerp Æ≠Óc x©y tı th’ k˚ th¯ 16, vµ<br />

bn h´ng lµ d∑y nhµ gildenhuis Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa Hµ<br />

Lan vµ Bÿ.<br />

Gildenhuis lµ nh˜ng ta nhµ xoay m∆t ra Grote<br />

Markt, Æ≠Óc dÔng lµm trÙ sÎ vµ lµ n¨i hÈi h‰p<br />

cÒa nh˜ng ph≠Íng hÈi bu´n b∏n ngµy x≠a. Ngµy<br />

nay, chÛng Æ≠Óc tr≠ng dÙng lµm v®n phng du<br />

lch cÒa thµnh phË ho∆c nh˜ng b∂o tµng nh·.<br />

Take a stroll around the<br />

Grote Markt<br />

"Grote Markt" is a common name for big town<br />

squares in the cities of Belgium including Antwerp,<br />

and at the center of this one stands the statue of<br />

Silvius disposing the hand of the giant Antigoon.<br />

Behind the statue is the Antwerp City Hall built in<br />

the 16 th century, and to the side of the hall are the<br />

typical gildenhuis townhouses of the Netherlands<br />

and Belgium.<br />

The Gildenhuis are buildings overlooking the Grote<br />

Markt which were once used as headquarters<br />

and meeting places for the old trade guilds. Today<br />

however, they are used as the city's tourism offices<br />

and as small museums.

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