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PORT OF HAMBURG magazine - Hafen Hamburg

PORT OF HAMBURG magazine - Hafen Hamburg

PORT OF HAMBURG magazine - Hafen Hamburg

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Port of <strong>Hamburg</strong> annual result 2007 < SpecialContainer Handling 1983 - 2007Die Jahres-Pressekonferenz verzeichnete einen Rekordbesuch./The annual pressconference scheduled record attendance.Port of <strong>Hamburg</strong> Seaborne Cargo HandlingFoto: ArndtGrafik: HHMv.l.n.r./left to right: Dr. Hans Peter Dücker (HPA), Dr. Jürgen Sorgenfrei (HHM),Senator Gunnar Uldall, Hendrik Lorenz (HHM)Foto: Arndt Grafik: HHMGermany’s largest universal port boasts robust growth in containerised transport and expects 10 million TEU barrier to besurpassed in 2008. Last year a record volume of 140.4 million tonnes in seaborne cargo was handled by the cargo terminalsof the Port of <strong>Hamburg</strong> for the very first time. This is equivalent to a 4.1 per cent increase year-on-year. In containerisedcargo traffic, a new record figure of 9.9 million TEU (20-ft. standard containers) was achieved, equivalent to an increaseof 11.6 per cent.The cargo handling segment of“conventional general cargo”,i.e. goods that cannot be transportedin containers on account oftheir size, performed particularly wellin 2007 compared with the previousyear, achieving a growth rate of 9.1 percent with a cargo volume of 2.9 milliontonnes. While the cargo handling ofbulk cargo was successful with a totalvolume of 41.7 million tonnes, thiswas 2.4 per cent below the very goodresults achieved in the previous year.Gunnar Uldall, <strong>Hamburg</strong>’s Senator forEconomy and Labour: “I’m delightedto see that the Port of <strong>Hamburg</strong> issetting records again in 2007, both interms of overall results and specificallyin container traffic. I’d like tothank all those highly dynamic companiesand their staff who contributedto this development. Last year thePort of <strong>Hamburg</strong> created some2,000 new jobs and generated 900million euros in tax revenues for theCity of <strong>Hamburg</strong> alone. In orderto fully exploit the growth potentialforecast for the Port of <strong>Hamburg</strong>and to channel the merchandiseflows and associated added valueto <strong>Hamburg</strong>, it’s absolutely essentialto continually improve the terminalcapacities and infrastructure the porthas to offer. For this reason, lastyear the <strong>Hamburg</strong> Senate launchedthe largest fairway upgrade programmein the history of the Port of<strong>Hamburg</strong>. Priority is to be assignedto the fairway adjustment of thelower and outer Elbe river. Onlyonce access to the Port of <strong>Hamburg</strong>has been secured on a sustainedbasis will the growth rates forecastactually be achieved and furtherjobs created.”At the annual press conference, Portof <strong>Hamburg</strong> Marketing Board member,Dr. Jürgen Sorgenfrei, commented theresults achieved in seaborne cargohandling activities in 2007: “With atotal cargo volume of 140.4 milliontonnes, a fresh record was established.This achievement was only possiblethanks to the enormous efforts made byall enterprises and institutions involvedin cargo handling and the transportsector in general. Of course, we are alsograteful to the Port’s customers andshipping companies from across theglobe, who rely on the efficiency andperformance of <strong>Hamburg</strong> as a portand logistics location. Our organisation,Port of <strong>Hamburg</strong> Marketing, alsomanaged to establish a large numberof new port contacts and businesstransactions in Germany and overseasby engaging in diverse marketingactivities and other services. >>><strong>PORT</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>HAMBURG</strong> MAGAZINE 1/087

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