26.12.2012 Aufrufe

Studienplan Wintersemester 2012/2013 - Hochschule Ingolstadt

Studienplan Wintersemester 2012/2013 - Hochschule Ingolstadt

Studienplan Wintersemester 2012/2013 - Hochschule Ingolstadt


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Seite 115 zum <strong>Studienplan</strong> Studiengang Betriebswirtschaft B.A.<br />

2.5.23a Project Retail Lab<br />

Lecturer: Bernhard Ostheimer<br />

Offered in:<br />

WS<br />

Objectives:<br />

Content:<br />

Exam:<br />

Prerequisites:<br />

none<br />

Course type:<br />

lecture<br />

2 SWS/ 3 ECTS<br />

Workload: 90 h<br />

Meeting time:<br />

Blocked lecture<br />

The students have an understanding of the importance and basic functionality of<br />

up-to-date internet-based retailing concepts. Students are able to understand the<br />

advantages and challenges associated to internet-based it systems. Students are<br />

able to evaluate online-shops, web sites and online marketing instruments. Students<br />

habe a basic understanding for up-to-date online marketing instruments<br />

such as e-mail-newsletters, mandatory web analytics, and social media platforms.<br />

They have an understanding for cultural, national, regulation based differences in<br />

the international usage and requirements of e-commerce-platforms.<br />

- E-Commerce and E-Business: Online-Shops<br />

o Basics,<br />

o Prototyping,<br />

o Platforms<br />

o Mobile Commerce<br />

- Cultural, national, regulation differences in Online-Shops<br />

- Web Sites and their usage for Retailing:<br />

o Basics,<br />

o Situation Analysis,<br />

o Requirements Engineering,<br />

o Prototyping,<br />

o Platforms<br />

- Online-Payment-Methods<br />

- Online-Marketing<br />

o E-Mail-Newsletter<br />

o Web Analytics and Online-Advertising<br />

o Web 2.0 and Social Media: Basics, Usage for Retailing<br />

- Cultural differences<br />

Group project with oral presentation<br />

Literature: • Laudon, K.; Traver, C. G.: E-Commerce <strong>2012</strong>, Prentice Hall, 8 th edition,<br />

ISBN: 9780138018818.<br />

• Daniel, I.: E-commerce Get It Right, NeuroDigital, ISBN: 978-0956526205<br />

• Chaffey, D.: E-Business and E-Commerce Management: Strategy, Implementation<br />

and Practice, Prentice Hall, 5th edition, ISBN: 978-0273752011.<br />


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