Pr Ntr Kmt World Religious Calendar Pagan Holy Days

Pr Ntr Kmt World Religious Calendar Pagan Holy Days

Pr Ntr Kmt World Religious Calendar Pagan Holy Days


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<strong>World</strong> <strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Calendar</strong> 1206<br />

November 2<br />

fixed holy days<br />

These holy days are on the same day every year on the solar calendar.<br />

Festival of Het Heret [Hathor]:<br />

Festival of Het Heret: Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) holy day. Festival of Het Heret [Hathor].<br />

Heru [Horus] arrives:<br />

Heru Arrives: Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) holy day. Heru [Horus] arrives. The people and the deities<br />

judge the speeches of the crew of the Solar Barge in Heliopolis when Heru [Horus] arrives. Do not go<br />

out at midday.<br />

Sixth Day of the Isia:<br />

Sixth Day of the Isia: Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) holy day. Sixth day of the Isia, the Recovery<br />

of Asar [Osiris] from death. Seven-day fall ceremony honoring the Osirian Mysteries. Related to<br />

the Eleusian Mysteries of Greece and the Sacred Rites of Koiak. The Aset/Asar/Bast/Heru cycle<br />

strongly influenced neighboring religions (Inanna/Tammuz, Ishtar/Damuzi, Ashtoreh/Baal,<br />

Venus/Adonis, Cybele/Attis, Ata Bey/Yoko-Hoo, Aida Wedo/Damballah, Mary/Jesus) and is believed<br />

to be the basis of Paulinist Christianity.<br />

Third Day of Samhain:<br />

Third Day of Samhain: Wiccan holy day. Third day of Samhain, the connection of life<br />

with death.<br />

Crowning of Haile Selassie I<br />

Crowning of Emperor Haile Selassie I: Rastafari Hola day. Commemorates the coronation of Ras<br />

Tafari as Emperor Haile Selassie I, King of Ethiopia on November 2, 1930. A high priest reads Biblical<br />

passages. Songs are sung to emphasize the importance of Haile Selassie as Messiah.<br />

Includes a Nyahbinghi meeting. A Nyabinghi meeting has evolved from early roots into a live music<br />

session with music, chanting, and prayer. Dr. Leonard E. Barret, a Jamaican professor of religion, wrote<br />

in his book The Rastafarians “The term ‘Nyahbinghi’ comes to use from East Africa and refers to a<br />

religio-political cult that resisted colonial domination from the last decades of he 19th century to about<br />

1928. The term might have been the name or title of a Ruandaise royal princess who was killed by<br />

colonalist because of her resisteance. After her death cults arose which were influenced by her spirit.<br />

The members of the cult experienced spirit possession and the medium of these cults was always a<br />

woman.<br />

“The Nyahbinghi is the most important meeting of the Rastafarians, involving members from all over<br />

the island. It is comparable to the movement’s convention and may last from one or three days to even a<br />

week. [At one meeting] the air was thick with smoke from the holy herb (marijuana) and the drums kept<br />

a haunting beat. … One tune continued as long as an hour and without a break before another was<br />

started and continued on and on throughout the evening until the drummer was exhausted and his place<br />

was taken by another drummer. …”<br />

1206 of 1413 7/14/08 9:29 AM

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