Pr Ntr Kmt World Religious Calendar Pagan Holy Days

Pr Ntr Kmt World Religious Calendar Pagan Holy Days

Pr Ntr Kmt World Religious Calendar Pagan Holy Days


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<strong>World</strong> <strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Calendar</strong> 141<br />

February 1<br />

fixed holy days<br />

These holy days are on the same day every year on the solar calendar.<br />

Feast of Nuit:<br />

Feast of Nuit: Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) holy day. Feast of Nuit, She who counts the days. Make a<br />

holiday.<br />

Brighid’s Feast Day:<br />

Brighid’s Feast Day: Irish Celtic holy day. Also called St. Bridget’s Feast Day. In the<br />

fifth century, Christian missionaries desecrated the Goddess Brighid’s (= Power) shrine at<br />

Kildare, turned her into St. Bridget, and dubbed her Queen of Heaven. This feast day was established to<br />

replace Imbolc. — Celtic information provided by Shelley M. Greer ©1997.<br />

Brigit — Goddess of Healing, Smithcraft, and Queenship. She is patroness of the Celtic<br />

spring festival of Imbolc, and was served by a female priesthood at Kildare. Her name<br />

derives from her worship by the pre-Christian Brigantes, who honored her as identical with<br />

Juno, Queen of Heaven. Brigit also shares attributes with the ancient Greek triple goddess<br />

Hecate. She is Ruler, Bringer of <strong>Pr</strong>osperity; her two sisters display the alchemical sword<br />

and tongs of blacksmithing and the twin serpents connoting medical skill. Her Irish consort<br />

was the Dagda. — JBL Statues<br />

Imbolc:<br />

Imbolc: Wiccan holy day. Imbolc is one of the eight Sabbats of the Wiccan religions.<br />

Some Wiccans celebrate Imbolc on February 2nd. Some Wiccans celebrate Midwinter’s Day<br />

on February 3rd.<br />

Purification of Mary:<br />

Purification of Mary: Christian holy day. Purification of Mary, based on Imbolc,<br />

Candlemas, and Brigid.<br />

Lesser Eleusinian Mysteries:<br />

Lesser Eleusinian Mysteries: Greek holy day. Lesser Eleusinian Mysteries (February 1-3),<br />

dedicated to Demeter and Persephone or Ceres and <strong>Pr</strong>oserpine. Kore Persephone is related to Bast.<br />

Celebrates the marriage of Kore and Dionysos.<br />

Feast of Isis the Healer:<br />

Feast of Isis the Healer: Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) holy day. Feast honoring Aset (Isis) as<br />

Goddess of healing.<br />

Festival Dionysos:<br />

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