Pr Ntr Kmt World Religious Calendar Pagan Holy Days

Pr Ntr Kmt World Religious Calendar Pagan Holy Days

Pr Ntr Kmt World Religious Calendar Pagan Holy Days


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<strong>World</strong> <strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Calendar</strong> 245<br />

Polarity: Feminine<br />

Planet: Neptune<br />

Archetype: Lir (Celtic God of the Sea)<br />

Symbol: trident<br />

Folk Names:<br />

Moon of Waters<br />

Asatru (ancient Norse) information<br />

Month: Horning<br />

Roman information<br />

a.d. VI Kal. Mart.<br />

6 days before the Kalends of March<br />

during leap years, this is the Roman “leap day”, called bis-sexto-kalendae<br />

Month: Februa or Febrvarivs or Februarius<br />

The a.d. VI Kal. designation means ante diem or six “days before” the Kalends (first day or New<br />

Moon) of the next month. When counting days, the Romans included both the start and end day (in<br />

modern Western culture, we skip the start day). When the Romans switched to a solar calendar, they<br />

continued to use the lunar day names.<br />

The Roman month of February is named for a feast of purification. Romans called February the<br />

“Month of Purification”. During the festival of Lupercalia, priests would beat barren women with a<br />

goatskin thong called a februa (“means of purification”) in the belief it would make them fertile.<br />

February was originally given over the the infernal deities, making the purification feast essential as a<br />

counterbalance to all the evil that could occur in the world. February had 28 days (an even number)<br />

because of a Roman superstitious dread of even numbers. February eventually became sacred to Juno<br />

Februra, the Roman Queen Goddess.<br />

The earliest Roman months were lunar. According to Roman mythology, the ten month solar calendar<br />

aligned to the vernal equinox was introduced by Romulus, the founder of Rome, around 753 BCE. In<br />

Romulus’ calendar, Ferbuary did not exist.<br />

Numa Pompilius, the second of the seven traditional kings of Rome, added two more months, for a<br />

12 month year. In Numa’s calendar, February was added to the end of the year (after December) and<br />

had 28 days (or 23 days with an extra five intercalary days in some years). The extra five days at the end<br />

of February were viewed as unlucky and not considered to be part of the normal year.<br />

In some years, an intercalary month (Mensis Intercalaris) called Mercedinus or Mercedonius or<br />

Intercalaris, was placed into February in order to bring the year into alignment. The intercalary month<br />

followed February 23rd and then after the intercalary month, February resumed with February 24th.<br />

Plutarch wrote “Numa … added an intercalary month, to follow February, consisting of twentty-two<br />

days, and called by the Romans the month Mercedinus. This amendment, however, itself, in course of<br />

time, came to need other amendments.” Some scholars claim that Intercalaris was added to the Roman<br />

calendar in 452 BCE.<br />

Gaius Julius Caesar, as Pontifex Maximus (supreme bridge-builder, a religious title), reorganized the<br />

calendar on the first day of 45 BCE. In Caesar’s calendar (the Julian <strong>Calendar</strong>), February was moved to<br />

after January and had 28 days, except in leap years, when it had 29 days. The extra leap day was added<br />

after February 23, rather than at the end of the month. Caesar’s calendar was calculated by Sosigenes, an<br />

Egyptian astrologer/astronomer. In 8 BCE, Augustus Caesar fixed errors by pontiffs after Julius’ death<br />

and made other minor modifications, resulting in the modern Western calendar. The modern Gregorian<br />

<strong>Calendar</strong>, named for Roman Catholic Pope Gregory the Thirteenth, was a realignment in 1582.<br />

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