Pr Ntr Kmt World Religious Calendar Pagan Holy Days

Pr Ntr Kmt World Religious Calendar Pagan Holy Days

Pr Ntr Kmt World Religious Calendar Pagan Holy Days


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<strong>World</strong> <strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Calendar</strong> 207<br />

February 16<br />

fixed holy days<br />

These holy days are on the same day every year on the solar calendar.<br />

Day Great Ones and the Uraeus Fought:<br />

Day Great Ones and the Uraeus Fought: Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) holy day. The day the Great<br />

Ones and the Uraeus fought. Any lion who pronounces the name of the constellation Orion will die<br />

immediately. Do nothing.<br />

Celebration of Victoria:<br />

Celebration of Victoria: Roman holy day. Honors Victoria, Roman Goddess of victory.<br />

Festival of Love:<br />

Festival of Love: Greek holy day. Festival of Love, honoring Aphrodite (Feb. 14-21).<br />

Parentalia:<br />

Fourth Day of Parantalia: Roman holy day. Fourth day of Parentalia (Feb. 13-21), dedicated to<br />

Faustina, wife of Roman emperor Antonius Pius, as Diana Lucifera or Victory. Parentalia and Feralia<br />

(Feb. 13-18) is a purification festival of peace and love devoted to ancestors and to Goddesses Mania<br />

and Vesta.<br />

Changing Woman:<br />

Festival in honor of Estsanatlehi: Navajo (Native American) holy day. Estsanatlehi is Changing<br />

Woman. Festival lasts for eight days starting February 16th.<br />

lunar information 2008<br />

Second Quarter in Gemini:<br />

Second Quarter: The moon is in the second (2nd) quarter (waxing gibbous) in Gemini.<br />

Void of Course:<br />

Moon Void of Course: The moon is Void of Course (V/C) starting at 5:17 a.m. Eastern Standard<br />

Time.<br />

Moon enters Cancer:<br />

207 of 1413 7/14/08 9:29 AM

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