Pr Ntr Kmt World Religious Calendar Pagan Holy Days

Pr Ntr Kmt World Religious Calendar Pagan Holy Days

Pr Ntr Kmt World Religious Calendar Pagan Holy Days


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<strong>World</strong> <strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Calendar</strong> 850<br />

lunar information 2007<br />

Day of Isis:<br />

Day of Isis: Greco-Roman holy day. Full Moon worship of Isis (Aset in the original ancient<br />

Egyptian language). Worship of Isis spread throughout the Hellenic Empire and the later Roman<br />

Empire and beyond into Germanic, Norse, and Celtic lands, across the Middle East and Asia, and south<br />

through Africa.<br />

The city of Paris is named for a great ancient temple to Isis (Per-Isis) and the Notre Dame Cathedral,<br />

built on the site, still has the original Isis altar with the myth of Isis and Osiris depicted. Until the 1700s<br />

the Notre Dame Cathedral still featured a prominent ancient statue of Isis (under the claim that it was the<br />

Black Madonna). Unfortunately a French Witch stormed into Notre Dame and demanded the return of<br />

the entire site and artwork, pointing out that the statue was actually of Isis rather than Mary. Horrified<br />

Roman Catholic priests smashed the statue into rubble. The fate of the French WItch is not recorded, but<br />

probably was death by torture.<br />

The Day of Isis (each Full Moon) was celebrated with feasting, dancing, and singing. Along the Nile<br />

and in other locations near a river, lake, or other body of water, the celebrants would float small wooden<br />

or paper boats with lit candles in honor of Isis. In some places thousands of little boats would light up<br />

the water. Sometimes colored paper would be put around the candles to create dazzling colored light<br />

displays. Isis worshipers would put their hopes and dreams on scraps of paper on the boats, in the belief<br />

that Isis would grant these in the coming lunar month.<br />

Full Moon:<br />

Full Moon: Wiccan holy day. Full Moon esbat at 16:54 Universal Time July 30, 2007; 5:48 p.m. on<br />

July 29 Pacific Daylight Time. The word Esbat is derived fromt he Hebrew word Sabbath. The<br />

Medieval Roman Catholic Church believed that everything that wasn’t Christian was derived from<br />

Judaism, which they viewed as the ultimate anti-Christianity, and gave Jewish-sounding terminology to<br />

Witchcraft practices.<br />

Today totals 3 in modern Western numerology.<br />

numerology<br />

850 of 1413 7/14/08 9:29 AM

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