Friesia IV, 1-2

Friesia IV, 1-2

Friesia IV, 1-2


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- 30-<br />

As to the interpretation of P. haemorrhoidaria (Kalchbr. et<br />

Schulzer) Fr., the author, after mature deliberation, agrees with<br />

the mycologists (B r e s a d o l a, R e a, A l e x a n d e r H. S m i t h)<br />

who interpret it as a species with rather small spores and with a<br />

conspicuous bulb at the base of the stem. P. haemorrhoidarui ae ­<br />

cording to the original figures (Kalchbr. et Schulzer, lcon. sel. Hym.<br />

Hung., t. 18, fig. 1) has another habit than P. L tmqei, being more<br />

like P. siZvatica both in colour (the gills are paler and the young<br />

individuals have a very light cap) and form (bulbous base of stem).<br />

Hence the interpretation advanced by L a n g e must unfortunately<br />

be abandoned, but since he has deseribed this species in such an<br />

excellent and lucid way, the author suggests that in his honour it<br />

should in future be called P. Langei.<br />

6. Psalliota mediofusca sp. n.<br />

Plates II a and XII.<br />

D i a g n o s i s. Pileus 6-10 cm, ex ovato plano-convexus, sericeo­<br />

nitens, umbone fuliginoso, nudo vel adpresse squamoso, ambitu<br />

fusco-pallente, Iilaceo-tincto, squamis fibrillosis, numerosis, adpressis,<br />

dispersis, angustis, fuscis ornato. Lamellae liberae, confertae,<br />

angustae, dilute roseo-incarnatae, demum fuseae, acie sterili, alba.<br />

Stipes 5-8 cm X 15-20 mm, sursum attenuatus, ad basim non bul­<br />

bosus, cavus, supra annulum levis, albus, demum nigrescens, infra<br />

floccis densis, subfuscis praeditus. Annulus superus, supra albus,<br />

infra floccis subfuscis tectus, demum ubique fuscescens. Caro alba,<br />

fraeta praesertim in stipite obscure vinoso-rubra, nec laete roseo­<br />

sanguinea ut in P. Lomqei, odore debili, acidulo.<br />

Sporae acervatim fuscae, oblongo-ovatae, saepe 2-guttulatae,<br />

6-8 X 4---4.5 u . Basidia 4-sterigmatica, clavata, 20-26 X 6-8 u .<br />

Sterigmata 3 fÆ long. Cystidia aciei lamellarum ovato-clavata, hya­<br />

lina vel fusca, 20-40 X 10-22 fÆ •<br />

In silvis abiegnis (Abies) Picea) Daniae, gregaria.<br />

A P. Lomqei, cui admodum affinis, differt pileo fusco-pallente,<br />

medio fusco, squamis obscurioribus, dispersis, stipite breviore, infra<br />

annulum fusco-flocculoso, carne alba, in stipite vero fracta pur­<br />

purea, nec clare roseo-sanguinea.<br />

D e s c r i p t i o n. P i l e u s 6-10 cm, egg-shaped at first, at<br />

length plano-convex, silky, with chocolate brown or sooty brown<br />

("Fuscous"), smooth or adpressed darker squamulose umbo, outside<br />

this, on a pale lilac brown ("PaIe Vinaceous-Drab") . ground, I<br />

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