Friesia IV, 1-2

Friesia IV, 1-2

Friesia IV, 1-2


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l. Psalliota vaporaria (VITT.) MØLL. et SCHAEFF.<br />

Fig. 8.<br />

F. H. M ø Il e r et J. S c h a f f e r, Ann. Myc. 36, p. 71, 1938.<br />

Syn.: Agaricus campestris, B. praiensis, vaporarius Vitt.<br />

campestris var. villaticus Brond. sensu Cooke, Illu­<br />

str. t. 585, no. 548. 1881-1891.<br />

Psalliota set ig era (Paul.) Fr. sensu Ricken, Vademecum,<br />

no. 1006, 1920 .<br />

Psalliota bivelata Vel. (non Peck 1909) , Ceske houby, p. 562,<br />

1921.<br />

Icon. : V i t t a d i n i, Funghi mango et vel. d'Italia, t. VIII, 1835.<br />

J . S c h a f f e r: Michael, Fiihrer f. Pilzfreunde, no. 50, 1939.<br />

J. V'e l e n o v s k y , Mykologia <strong>IV</strong>, t . 5, 1927.<br />

P i l e u s 10-15 cm, thick and firm, convex with flattened cen­<br />

tre, shining, sooty brown, tobacco brown, or potato brown ("Snuff<br />

Brown", "Biste r " ) with pellicle for the most part soon breaking<br />

up into adpressed, eoncentric, broad, dark, fibrillosely dissolved<br />

se ales on a pale ground, sometimes less squamose and instead con­<br />

spicuously radially dark fibrillose. Margin lighter and with a rather<br />

well developed velum zone. G i Il s free, very crowded, narrow, flesh<br />

colour ("Light Vinaceous-Fawn") , at length dark blackish brown,<br />

with sterile, whitish edge. S t e m stout and thiek, 6-1.2 cm X 25­<br />

50 mm, eylindrical with attenuated base, solid, white, brownish below,<br />

turning darker everywhere with age, smooth above ring, fibril­<br />

loso-striate below ring, and with thick, whitish or brown seales<br />

which often form an imperfect, oblique zone. These pieces of the<br />

skin ean be rubbed off and derive from an often well-developed<br />

universal veil which even in young fruit bodies may appear as a<br />

eontinuous sheath round the lower part of the stem, as in P . edulis.<br />

R i n g sheathed above, not right up to the top of the stem, white<br />

and striate above, remarkably thick (1-2 mm), with fragile flesh,<br />

narrowly adnate, often with thick, coarse, brown scales, sometimes<br />

double-edged on the underside. F l e s h thick and firm, whitish,<br />

slightly rubescent ("PaIe Vinaceous-Fawn") when broken. S m e Il<br />

at first slightly acidulous, then after gathering disagreeable (faintly<br />

reminiscent of licorice or chicory) . S c ha f f e r r e a c t i o n nega­<br />

tive. Spore powder dark brown ("Mummy Brown" ; L. g8;<br />

S. 701).

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