Friesia IV, 1-2

Friesia IV, 1-2

Friesia IV, 1-2


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- 58 --<br />

( "Vinaceous Pink") in the expanding stage. S t e m 3-4 cm X 10­<br />

20 mm, above the weak ring densely floccoso-squamulose as in a<br />

Hebeloma species. F l e s h thick, smelling of almonds. The S c h af ­<br />

fer reaction was, however, negative. Spore powder dark<br />

brown ("Mars Brown"; L. approximately h 2; S. 112).<br />

Fig. 12 . Psalliota campestris var. [loccipes var. n.<br />

S p o r e s 6-7(-8) X 4-5(-6) p. B a s i d i a 22-36 X 6-9<br />

(-12) p.<br />

In old pastures and meadows, often in quantity. September­<br />

October.<br />

Falster: Bøtø Nor ; Nørre Ørslev in pastures 2-3 years old and<br />

in lucerne fields. - Fyn: Holekenhavn Nor, singly. - Lolland :<br />

Meadows near Grænge Mose in quantity; Nagelsti Enge.<br />

Comes very near to the P. campestris v. equestris, which also<br />

turns a vivid yellow but is much smaller.<br />

7c. Psalliota campestris (L.) FR. var. fusco-pilosella var. n.<br />

Fig. 13.<br />

A typo differt pile o adpresse fusco-fibrilloso, non dense flocculoso,<br />

stipite 5-8 cm X 10-20 mm.<br />

Sporae 7-8.5 X 5-6 p. Basidia 4-sterigmatica, 27-30 X 7­<br />

8.5 p. Cystidia aciei lamellarum nulla.<br />

In prato Daniae, gregaria. Autumno. Semel tantum vidi.<br />

P i l e u s 4-8 cm, white with adpressed, dark brown ("Wood<br />

Brown") hair like squamules, not densely floccoso-squamulose as<br />

the type. S te m stout, 5-8 cm X 10-20mm, white, smooth, with<br />

faint ring.

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