Friesia IV, 1-2

Friesia IV, 1-2

Friesia IV, 1-2


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(1888), Urophiala mycophila Vuillemin (1918), Zygosporium mycophilum<br />

(Vuill.) Sacc. (1911) , Urophiala parasitica (Grove) A. L.<br />

Smith (1920) and Pimina my cophila (Vuill.) A. L. Smith (1920).<br />

D e s c r i p t i o n . The falces (M a s o n has suggested t he term<br />

of falx for a conidiophore of Zygospor i um ) are borne laterally and<br />

singly on the hyphae. They are ere ct, consisting of 4 cells, her e<br />

mentioned after position in distal succession: 1 ) a hyaline, cylindrical<br />

, basa l cell, ab . 2-3 I-' in length, 3 I-' in breadth; 2) a smoked<br />

cylindrica l cell 7.5- 13.51-' (11.21-' )1) in len gt h, ab. 3ft in bread t h ;<br />

3) a dar ker smoked prophialide, dorsiventral, 12.8- 15.81-' (14.51-')<br />

in len gth, 6-7.5 1-' (7 .11-') in breadth. The dor sal pr ofile of t he pro ­<br />

phialide is sligthly s-formed, its ventral side is equip ped wit h 3<br />

short st umpy beakst ; the en d of whi ch is about 1.51-' in br e.adth.<br />

They are loc ated on the same t r ansve rse axi s, which is situated<br />

ab. 3I-' from the apical wall of t he cell o The two out er beaks are<br />

located symmetrically to the middle one, at angles of ab. 45-60°.<br />

The phialides are borne on t he beaks, and t hey are hyaline, obpyriform,<br />

curving upwards, 4.5-5.31-' (4.71-') in length, 3-3.8ft (304ft)<br />

in breadth. The conidia are hyaline, ellipsoid, 7.5-8.3 X 4.5-5.31-'<br />

(7 .8 X 4.81-') . Finally , 4) the 4th cell in the succession is the so ­<br />

called apical filam ent. This is mid-placed, hyaline to faintly smoked ,<br />

cylindrical, 7.5-121-' (9.21-') in length, 2.3-3ft (204ft) in breadth,<br />

the apical wall of which bursts at the time of maturing of the<br />

conidiophore, leaving a circular aperture with remnants of the<br />

apical wall left like a collar.<br />

As pointed out by V u i Il e m i n (1910) , sometimes a secondary<br />

conidiophore is formed (see Fig. li), the secondary falx consisting<br />

of only the prophialide and the apical filament. They occur rather<br />

infrequently, only 11 of 1000 falces had a secondary falx developed,<br />

i. e. in ab. 1 % of the cases.<br />

Previous records on the morphology of Z. parasiticum seem to<br />

have been based only on two findings : the original collection of<br />

Pintina parasitica Grove, critically studied by M a s o n (l. c.), and<br />

V u i Il e m i n's (l. c.) material of Urophiala mycophila. A comparison<br />

of measurements is made in Table 2. S a c c a r d o (1911)<br />

who found the fungus on Botrytis does not give any measurements<br />

in his description.<br />

1) Measurements in parenthesis are averages of 10 measurings.<br />

2) M a s o n (1. c.) regards all three «st um ps» as one beak. leannot see<br />

the reason fo r this eoneeption.

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