a tripartite report - Unctad

a tripartite report - Unctad

a tripartite report - Unctad


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ZAMBIA<br />

It is recommended that competition law<br />

training be organized for members of the<br />

CCPT, and that the capacity of members<br />

<br />

and consumer protection policy and law<br />

be continuously built upon through the<br />

holding of periodical adjudicators’<br />

seminars and workshops at which the<br />

other members of the Judiciary in Zambia,<br />

including Magistrates and Judges, would<br />

be invited.<br />

Section 60 of the Act provides that orders or<br />

directions of the Commission from its investigations<br />

can be appealed against to the CCPT by<br />

any aggrieved person or enterprise within thirty<br />

days of receiving the order or direction. Appeals<br />

against the decisions of the Tribunal can<br />

be made to the High Court in terms of section<br />

75 of the Act, also within thirty days of the determination.<br />

The functions of the Tribunal in terms of section<br />

68 of the Act are to: “(a) hear any appeal made<br />

to it under this Act; and (b) perform such other<br />

functions as are assigned to it under this Act or<br />

any other law”. Other functions assigned to the<br />

Competition and Consumer Protection Tribunal<br />

<br />

agreements or undertakings entered into by the<br />

Commission with enterprises under competition<br />

investigations; (ii) considering applications from<br />

the Commission for mandatory orders to enforce<br />

the payment of penalties imposed by the<br />

Commission against the concerned enterprises;<br />

(iii) considering applications from the Commission<br />

for mandatory orders on the enforcement<br />

of directions and undertakings; (iv) ordering divestiture,<br />

or declaring void any provision of a<br />

merger agreement, if a merger is implemented<br />

in contravention of the Act; and (v) considering<br />

applications from the Commission for orders<br />

prohibiting the sale of an unsafe goods.<br />

The Tribunal has strong powers in the undertaking<br />

of its adjudicative proceedings. In that regard,<br />

section 71 of the Act provides as follows:<br />

“(1) The Tribunal may –<br />

(a) order the parties or either of them to produce<br />

to the Tribunal such information as the Tribunal<br />

considers necessary for the purposes of the<br />

proceedings; or<br />

141<br />

(b) take any other course which may lead to the just,<br />

speedy and inexpensive settlement of any matter<br />

before the Tribunal.<br />

(2) The Tribunal may summon witnesses, call for the<br />

production of, or inspection of, books, documents<br />

and other things, and examine witnesses on<br />

oath, and for those purposes, the Chairperson is<br />

hereby authorized to administer oaths.<br />

(3) A summons for the attendance of any witness or<br />

the production of any book, document or other<br />

thing shall be signed by the Chairperson and<br />

served in the prescribed manner”.<br />

The Tribunal, which was established in 2011 but<br />

has still not commenced effective operations<br />

pending the adoption of its rules, however does<br />

not have powers of reviewing the imposition<br />

of criminal sanctions on breach of the country’s<br />

competition law, such powers rest with law<br />

courts.<br />

<br />

appointed by the Minister in terms of section<br />

67(1) of the Act, as follows: “(a) a legal practitioner<br />

of not less than ten years legal experience,<br />

who shall be the Chairperson; (b) a representative<br />

of the Attorney-General, who shall be<br />

the Vice-Chairperson; and (c) three other mem-<br />

<br />

years experience and knowledge, in matters relevant<br />

to this Act”.<br />

The desired independence, or decision making<br />

ence<br />

is greatly compromised. Apart from being<br />

appointed by the Minister, its members may<br />

also be removed by the Minister for unspeci-<br />

<br />

The Secretariat of the Tribunal also consists of<br />

civil servants working in a government ministry,<br />

as provided for in section 69 of the Act, which<br />

provides that “the Ministry responsible for commerce<br />

shall provide the necessary secretarial<br />

and accounting services to the Tribunal to perform<br />

its functions under this Act”.<br />

It is recommended that the removal<br />

by the Minister of a member of the<br />

Competition and Consumer Protection<br />

Tribunal be on clear grounds and<br />

reasons that should be provided for in<br />

the Act.<br />


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