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Fig u re 7. 7 .<br />

210<br />

X-ray di ffractograms of glycol ated sampl es. The<br />

top two traces are aliquots of the same bottom<br />

sediment sample (KN25-4GPC,548 cm) x-rayed at<br />

di fferent concentrati ons (i n par~ntheses) on the<br />

silver filters, and the bottom trace is from a<br />

suspended matter sample (KN25-SF3). Note that<br />

montmorillonite plus mixed-layer montmorilloniteillite<br />

is not detected as a 17 A peak in either<br />

the suspended matter or dilute sediment sample,<br />

but it is readi ly detected at hi gher concentrations<br />

(top). Hornblende and quartz detected in<br />

the concentrated sample are not seen in the<br />

dilute sample. The bottom two traces were<br />

recorded at the same range (102 x 5) and the top<br />

trace at a greatly increased range (103 x 5).<br />

Numbers represent the ca 1 cul ated compos i ti on<br />

(using the method of Hathaway, 1972a) in the<br />

order, montmori 11 oni te + mi xed-l ayer montmori 1-<br />

10nite-il1ite: illite: chlorite: kaolinite.<br />

Letters are Q - quartz, C - chlorite, I - illite,<br />

K - kaolinite, H - hornblende, M - montmorillonite,<br />

ML - mixed-layer montmorillonite-illite.

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