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[PSF1], and [PSF2] and ... the owner of the [PSF]” (personal communication, April 21,<br />

2008).<br />

NSO4 was able to provide an overall perspective:<br />

Coaching people liaise with their coaches, you know, [the] CEO liaises with their<br />

general manager. The Board relates with their Board. One thing that’s helped us<br />

[PSF6]… he used to be on the [NSO] Board as well.... him there with almost a foot<br />

in each camp has really helped the relationship grow. (personal communication,<br />

April 23, 2008)<br />

Other respondents such as NSO1, were able to provide evidence of the constant<br />

communication that existed “I’m in regular contact with the [PSF] now, I mean their<br />

marketing team has spoken to me twice this week , as I say, I’m putting documentation<br />

across to [PSF3] next week” (personal communication, April 18, 2008). PSF3 also spoke<br />

of regular contact with the NSO3, “It would be at least on a weekly basis, perhaps even<br />

more. If the [junior] programme wasn’t there, then it would probably be realistically be less,<br />

but because we’re working very closely on this programme” (personal communication<br />

April 22, 2008).<br />

4.5 Receptivity<br />

When questioned, as to the ability of the organisation to learn, most participants<br />

were mixed in their opinions. Some respondents did not call into question their ability.<br />

NSO4 said:<br />

Our ability to learn from the [PSF is] probably the same as our ability to learn from<br />

anything. I guess you learn a lot of ways, you learn from mistakes and you learn<br />

from advice. Ah, so, no, I would hope that our ability to learn is pretty good.<br />

(personal communication, April 23, 2008)<br />

NSO1 further expanded on the previous response:<br />


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