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[W]ith the staff that we’ve got here, I would describe it as very good. There’s no<br />

from what I can see, impediment from patch protection or habits that have to be<br />

changed. All our guys are pretty flexible and keen to do what’s best for the sport<br />

(personal communication, April 18, 2008)<br />

NSO2 was also in agreement with the ability of the NSO to learn “I would say that<br />

[the NSO] have got great ability to learn from the [PSF] because the people in [the NSO]<br />

have got the vision, and have got the ability to learn” (personal communication, April 21,<br />

2008).<br />

However some impediments were starting to show as outlined by NSO3:<br />

[T]here’s a receptiveness to it. There’s some capacity issues around both<br />

organisations, whether that’s geographic or just time, and focus areas, as I said<br />

there’s a different focus areas in some aspects, where the promotion, marketing, I<br />

suppose of [the NSO] is around a membership driven organisation, as opposed, with<br />

some elements of the single team or teams as our national team, whereas the [PSF]<br />

is obviously driven around primarily promoting and supporting their [Australian<br />

league] team. So, in that sense there’s some difference in the core operation of both<br />

organisations, but the similarities, or the areas that are shared, there’s a willingness<br />

to learn, sometimes due to capacity of both organisations. (personal communication,<br />

April 22, 2008)<br />

As a matter of significance to this study NSO3 used the word receptiveness, without<br />

any prompting from the researcher.<br />

One clear impediment was the resources of the NSO. NSO3 alluded to being<br />

overstretched, which meant they didn’t have the opportunity to learn:<br />

There’s a reduced number of staff working on a increased number of projects with<br />

quite a wide focus and remit. So there are times where actually delivering<br />

operational tasks can come ahead of actual organisational or personal and learning<br />

development. (personal communication, April 22, 2008)<br />

NSO5 seemed to support this view of a limited resource base:<br />

There’s a willingness, there’s absolutely a willingness, but it comes back down to<br />

what I talked about before, the resources within the management. People don’t wake<br />

up every day and think, I mean, there’s their own business to do. (personal<br />

communication, June 3, 2008)<br />


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