Vol. 5/2009 - Facultatea de Litere

Vol. 5/2009 - Facultatea de Litere

Vol. 5/2009 - Facultatea de Litere


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their reason, encourages or intimidates more easily than the verbal message does. Our paper tries to<br />

analyze the way in which the speakers’ affectivity and emotions can be translated through paraverbal<br />

signs in several fragments excerpts of negotiation. We also try to <strong>de</strong>pict the pragmatic effect of these<br />

paraverbal signs upon the interlocutor and their influence regarding the progress of negotiation.<br />

Key words: feelings, negotiation, oral communication, paraverbal signs, stylistics<br />

Alina GANEA, “Dunǎrea <strong>de</strong> Jos” University of Galaţi, ROMANIA<br />

Etu<strong>de</strong> lexicographique bilingue (français-roumain): <strong>de</strong> la rumeur, du bruit et <strong>de</strong>s cancans<br />

The information era is in full expansion. In spite of multiple means of communication which might<br />

ensure a ubiquitous and faithful reception of information, the communication process has become a<br />

way to control and manipulate. We propose therefore a lexicographical analysis concerning a threetermed<br />

series – rumeur, bruit, cancan(s) – which refer to the clan<strong>de</strong>stine circulation of unverified<br />

information. These nouns are usually used in indirect reported speech phrases such as la rumeur, le<br />

bruit court que…. In so doing, an investigation is conducted on the way these terms are <strong>de</strong>fined with<br />

respect to the activity of reporting in monolingual dictionaries with a view to analyse the<br />

corresponding bilingual dictionary <strong>de</strong>finitions.<br />

The research is financed by the Romanian Ministry of Education, Research, and Youth within PN II– PCE –<br />

IDEI 1209 / 2007 scheme.<br />

Key words: reportive nouns, translation, equivalents, monolingual/bilingual dictionaries.<br />

Anca GÂŢĂ, “Dunărea <strong>de</strong> Jos” University of Galaţi, ROMANIA<br />

Indicators of Dissociation in French and their Romanian and English Equivalents<br />

Dissociation is a concept introduced in Argumentation Theory by Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca<br />

(The New Rhetoric, 1958). It allows a speaker to change the notional starting points of a discussion.<br />

One of the indicators of dissociation is the adjective true. Dissociation allows the speaker to discard the<br />

old semantic contents corresponding to the initial notion and to propose a new semantic content as<br />

corresponding to the notion assigned this time the linguistic expression the true X. This is the<br />

prototypical formula corresponding to the mechanism of dissociation, but other indicators may also<br />

serve to i<strong>de</strong>ntify a dissociation in context. Starting from the neo-rhetorical inventory of expressions<br />

used to introduce a dissociation, the present article suggests and discusses possible strategies of<br />

finding Romanian and English equivalents for the indicators of dissociation.<br />

Key words: argumentation, argumentative technique of dissociation, equivalents in translation,<br />

semantic content, notional content<br />

Diana IONIŢĂ, University of Bucharest, ROMANIA<br />

What Is Said, Implicature or Impliciture?<br />

The present paper, which takes Bach’s (1994) distinction between ‘what is said’, implicature;’, and<br />

‘impliciture’ as a starting point, shows that Grice’s tests of non-<strong>de</strong>tachability and cancellability are<br />

able to clarify the distinction among different elements of utterance meaning that are pragmatically<br />

<strong>de</strong>termined.<br />

We will establish that conversational implicature is cancellable and <strong>de</strong>tachable, un<strong>de</strong>rlying Bach’s<br />

concept of impliciture.<br />

By using examples, we will emphasize the difference between what is explicitly said and what goes<br />

implicit in what is said.<br />

Key words: impliciture, implicature, cancellability, explicit, implicit<br />

Annamaria KILYENI, “Politehnica” University, Timişoara, ROMANIA<br />

“Hocus-pocusing” the Body. Technology and Femininity in Print Ads<br />

Based on a corpus of print advertisements in women’s glossy magazines, the present paper is an<br />

attempt to capture the intimacy of the relationship between technology and the body. In the first part,<br />

we focus on the i<strong>de</strong>a that print ads constitute a vast discursive site for the construction of the i<strong>de</strong>al<br />

feminine body through technology, and we argue that, in the world of advertising, technology has<br />

become an integral part of a woman’s body. The second part of the paper centers on the sense of<br />

instancy in the technological transformation of the female body that ads seem to cultivate.<br />

Key words: body, femininity, print advertisements, technology, transformation, urgency<br />


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