TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free

TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free

TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free


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The Dagger<br />

Among the Night Watchman’s belongings,<br />

the PCs will find Bladestar, the haunted dagger.<br />

The dagger is ornate, with several jewels<br />

(rubies and sapphires) encrusted in its hilt.<br />

The metal of the blade is black steel, inscribed<br />

with various runes. None of the Night Watchman’s<br />

friends or companions had ever seen<br />

the dagger before, and have no idea as to how<br />

he might have acquired it. If a detect magic<br />

spell is cast on the dagger, it will reveal a powerful<br />

dweomer. A detect evil will reveal strong<br />

evil. For know alignment, see section on Research,<br />

below. Any attempt to use an identify<br />

spell on the dagger will fail due to the presence<br />

of the haunt. At this time, the PCs should begin<br />

to realize that the dagger is related in some<br />

way to the killings.<br />

If the PCs leave the dagger with the Night<br />

Watch, it will be taken by a young guard who<br />

will be found dead in the morning. Among the<br />

guard’s belongings will be the dagger, and examination<br />

of his body will reveal that he also<br />

strangled himself. This pattern will continue<br />

to repeat itself until the PCs take the dagger, or<br />

stand guard and observe it during the night. If<br />

they guard the dagger, they will see the haunt<br />

take form above the dagger shortly after dark.<br />

It will then attack and attempt to take over the<br />

closest person within its range (60 yard<br />

radius).<br />

If a PC takes the dagger, then that night the<br />

haunt will attack and attempt to take over the<br />

PC who carries it. If the PCs engage the haunt<br />

in combat and reduce it to 0 hit points, it will<br />

dissipate, only to return in a week, at which<br />

time it will continue the pattern of taking over<br />

others until it finds one of compatible alignment<br />

(any non-good alignment). See Aliar Daraan<br />

below for game statistics and description<br />

of the haunt.<br />

If the PCs try to turn the dagger over to an<br />

NPC cleric, they will be called back in to deal<br />

with the problem, learning the information in<br />

the Research section.<br />

Research<br />

By this time, the PCs should realize that in<br />

order to stop the killings, they need to do some<br />

research. If they seek out a sage or visit the<br />

city’s library, after a day’s search, they can<br />

learn that the dagger contains a creature<br />

known as a haunt. They learn that this type of<br />

creature can be truly laid to rest if it fulfills<br />

some crucial task. The PCs also learn that only<br />

hosts of similar alignment can be taken over<br />

without the haunt inducing self-strangulation.<br />

The PCs must now determine the haunt’s<br />

alignment, and its task.<br />

The haunt’s alignment can be determined<br />

through use of a know alignment spell. If cast<br />

successfully, the party learns not only the<br />

alignment of the haunt, but also which alignments<br />

can survive the haunt’s attentions. The<br />

haunt is of chaotic evil alignment, thus its<br />

host can be of any non-good alignment. Characters<br />

with any good alignment who are taken<br />

over by the haunt will attempt to strangle<br />

themselves in the same manner as all the other<br />

victims.<br />

The haunt’s task can be determined by using<br />

a speak with dead spell. This method will<br />

only work if the PCs attempt it within three<br />

days of the start of their investigation. The<br />

spell needs to be cast at the haunt either just<br />

after it takes form (after dark), or while it is in<br />

the body of a suitable host. If the spell is successfully<br />

cast, Aliar Daraan will reveal that he<br />

was killed only two days before the dagger<br />

arrived in the City of Greyhawk. His task is to<br />

pass on information to a spy of the Cult of Iuz<br />

within the Thieves’ Guild. The spy’s name is<br />

Bey Wyvernthorn, and he can be found in a<br />

secret cave located in the sewers near the<br />

Thieves’ Quarter of the City. Under no circumstances<br />

will the haunt reveal exactly what his<br />

information is (the DM chooses whatever best<br />

suits the campaign).<br />

One way to lay the haunt to rest, is to find a<br />

suitable volunteer, and allow the haunt to<br />

complete its task (a volunteer might be found<br />

among the party, or among the close friends of<br />

any dead victim). Of course, by doing so, the<br />

party will also have the opportunity to flush<br />

out a spy of the Cult of Iuz who is currently<br />

within the Thieves’ Guild of the City. If the PCs<br />

attempt to go to the Thieves’ Guild with the<br />

name of the spy, they will not be believed at<br />

all. Even if they approach the City Guard or<br />

Night Watch, they will not be believed. They<br />

will be told that “all of Iuz’s followers was<br />

flushed out of the city a few months ago.<br />

There aren’t no more of them in this city at<br />

all.”<br />


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