TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free

TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free

TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free


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will slither through the door in the northern<br />

wall (from area 4). His scales form bright patterns<br />

of deep blue and silver. He will be carrying<br />

a vial and a scimitar in his hands, as well<br />

as a key around his neck. The vial is another<br />

potion of extra-healing, and the scimitar is a<br />

scimitar +2. He will be watching the floor as<br />

he mumbles to himself, until he notices the<br />

party occupying his chambers. He will flee<br />

into area 10, where he will pick up the wand of<br />

wonder, then try to fight past the party to get<br />

to the jungle above.<br />

Yuan-ti halfbreed: Int Genius; AL CE; AC<br />

0; MV slither 9; C8; hp 38; THACO 13; #AT 2;<br />

Dmg 1-8; SA Spells; MR 20%; SZ M; ML 14;<br />

XP 4,000. Clerical spells: 3/3/3/2.<br />

The door in the east wall is of steel, and<br />

double-bolted. It leads to room 8.<br />

8. Prison<br />

This room holds all of the surviving captives;<br />

seventy prisoners, many sick or wounded.<br />

They are overjoyed to see the party. If not<br />

kept in check, they will begin to cheer without<br />

reservation. If are not hushed by the party<br />

immediately, they will draw the attention of<br />

the guards in room 9.<br />

9. Guard Room<br />

There are six halfbreed guards here, all with<br />

snake heads and snake tails. If the party is in<br />

area 8 and somehow convinces the yuan-ti to<br />

open the captives’ door without raising their<br />

suspicions, the characters will have surprise<br />

and a free round of attacks. If the party enters<br />

by the ramp it will have to roll for initiative.<br />

Yuan-ti halfbreed (6): Int Genius; AL CE;<br />

AC 0; MV slither 9; HD 7; hp 33, 31, 28, 27,<br />

25,25; #AT 2; THACO 13; Dmg 1-8; MR 20%;<br />

SZ L; ML 14; XP 650. Items: long swords.<br />

There is nothing of value in this room other<br />

than the swords of the guards: each sword has<br />

set in its hilt numerous small rubies in the<br />

shape of a striking serpent. Between the craftsmanship<br />

and the gems, the characters can<br />

estimate worth of the swords at 2,400 gp.<br />

10. Treasure Vault<br />

The key for this room is around the neck of<br />

the priest. There are 2-8 excellently crafted<br />

pieces of jewelry here (total value 3,500 gp), 75<br />

small gems (10 gp each), 4,000 sp, weapons<br />

galore, and some armor. Among the treasures<br />

are several magical items, including a spear<br />

+3 (which the party will discover is a lost relic<br />

of the native village; if returned, it will ensure<br />

them the status of heroes), a pearl of wisdom,<br />

a dagger +2, a wand of wonder (1 1 charges,<br />

command word “Verigor”), a long sword +2,<br />

+3 versus reptiles, four potions of healing, and<br />

a staff of the serpent (the command word, “Althiss”,<br />

is worked along its length in scales).<br />

Leaving<br />

The settlers move very slowly due to their<br />

wounds and sickness. They won’t all fit in the<br />

Dragonspray The natives, if asked, will accept<br />

the settlers, saying that, “The forest demons<br />

will come for others. The added swords will be<br />

welcome here.” The king will assure the party<br />

that, combined, the two groups will be able to<br />

withstand any assault by the yuan-ti.<br />

The king will ask that a native group be sent<br />

to speak with the prince, to thank him for his<br />

concern and to ask for aid in dealing with this<br />

problem. This group will be led by Malabur.<br />

If the party has the spear +3 from the yuanti<br />

treasure room, the king will ask that it be<br />

returned. If the‘party refuses, he will insist.<br />

Ultimately, refusal to return the spear will<br />

mean the party will be allowed to leave, but<br />

will forfeit their special status.<br />

Aftermath<br />

If the characters go to the arranged meeting<br />

place (The Captains’) and leave a note with the<br />

barkeeper, he will give them a free room upstairs<br />

and tell them to wait. The prince will<br />

speak with Malabur first. After three days,<br />

Malabur will come to their room with an escort,<br />

telling them to come meet the lord.<br />

The characters will be taken back to the<br />

cellars and asked for the information they<br />

learned. After they do so, there will be a formal<br />

ceremony. Each character will be handed a<br />

piece of parchment bearing the seal of Jeon 11,<br />

the Prince of Monmurg, granting the right to<br />

take passage on any of his seafaring vessels.<br />

The prince may offer the party another job:<br />

either that of rooting out the yuan-ti, or the<br />

next adventure in this section.<br />


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