TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free

TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free

TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free


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ploy what used to be very expensive silk hangings<br />

as blankets.<br />

Room 4: This burial room has most of its<br />

ornately scrolled niches occupied by former<br />

clerics of St. Cuthbert. If Saranee is along, she<br />

will permit no looting here. Such looting here<br />

might have possible alignment effects, especially<br />

if the PCs have sworn an oath against<br />

looting the temple. A party that searches these<br />

tombs will find three suits of fine chain mail, a<br />

magical shield + 2, and three rusted maces.<br />

The last coffin on the left contains the remains<br />

of Herkluth, now little more than dust.<br />

There is no sign of the chapeaux the PCs<br />

were sent to recover. Searching the room does<br />

allow the standard chance to find the secret<br />

door. If Saranee is present, she has a pretty<br />

good idea that there must be an entrance to a<br />

hidden sanctuary somewhere around here.<br />

The trigger to open the secret door is hidden in<br />

the designs around Herkluth’s burial niche.<br />

Someone specifically checking that area has a<br />

3 in 6 chance of finding it (5 in 6 for elves or<br />

half-elves).<br />

5-7. The Hidden Area<br />

The secret door opens to reveal a narrow<br />

hallway. There is a door to both the left and<br />

right, and one at the end of the hall.<br />

5. The Left Door: This conceals a small<br />

room that Zomitil was using for treasure storage.<br />

It contains treasure recently looted from<br />

the temple (Zomitil was planning on shipping<br />

it out via the ogres in a week or two). In a fairly<br />

haphazard pile, the characters can find the<br />

following items: a set of 12 tarnished silver<br />

mugs, with the faint outline of the starburst<br />

symbol; a platinum goblet with a sheaf of<br />

wheat inscribed on the side; three reliquaries<br />

(religious items) made of platinum, inset with<br />

emeralds and rubies; a gold holy water font;<br />

and a large silver mirror with crumpled hats<br />

carved into its bronzewood frame. These items<br />

belong to the order, and the temple will expect<br />

to get them back (total value: 12,400 gp).<br />

Also to be found here are 350 loose pp, a<br />

sack with 120 sp and a small amethyst worth<br />

55 gP.<br />

Hidden behind a false stone in the wall is a<br />

cache of magical items: three potions, flying,<br />

extra-healing, and elixir of health; a mage<br />

scroll with stone to flesh, flesh to stone and<br />

globe of invulnerability; a ring ofprotection<br />

+2; and a quiver with 20 arrows + 1.<br />

6. The Right Door: This storage room has<br />

been looted by Zomitil. The old books, altar<br />

furnishings, clerical vestments, and the like<br />

remaining here are all a bit rotted, and have<br />

been roughly handled by the ogres besides.<br />

7. The Center Door: The last door has a<br />

powerful magical ward upon it. Only those of<br />

good alignment can enter here. Zomitil’s an timagic<br />

ray was able to negate it, but unless the<br />

characters can dispel the ward (a dispel magic<br />

spell will work), only good-aligned characters<br />

can enter this room.<br />

The chapel inside is a mess. The altar has<br />

been partially disintegrated; the walls have<br />

had chunks dug out of them. Rubble lies all<br />

over the room. No hat is in sight.<br />

Anyone poking around the altar will set off a<br />

glyph of warding, which causes anyone within<br />

a five-foot radius to save or take 10d4 points of<br />

electrical damage (save vs. spell for half damage).<br />

When the beholder looted the altar, his<br />

an ti-magic ray prevented glyph from triggering<br />

at that time.<br />

If the PCs make a determined search (three<br />

hours with one PC, less if more PCs search),<br />

they will find a tattered bit of cloth with a copper<br />

starburst. This is all that remains of the<br />

Chapeaux of Herkluth. Nothing else of value<br />

can be found in this room.<br />

Aftermath<br />

Those returning this bit of cloth are very<br />

well received. Bidrow is not concerned that<br />

only a piece of the hat was recoverable, it will<br />

do just fine for his purposes. He does not reveal<br />

these purposes to the characters, even if<br />

asked. (If one of the characters is a high ranking<br />

cleric of St. Cuthbert, that character may<br />

be taken aside and told that it is for use in a<br />

very important ceremony involving the consecration<br />

of holy ground. The character is invited<br />

to the ceremony, and sworn to secrecy.)<br />

The characters have made a valuable friend<br />

in the high priest. If desired by the DM, Bidrow<br />

can be available for healing later. The PCs<br />

might also be called on for other missions,<br />

now that they have proved themselves capable<br />

of handling any challenge.<br />


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