TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free

TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free

TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free


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Assuming the party finds the correct way, they<br />

will enter a darkened room.<br />

Pedestal Room<br />

This 40‘ X 40’ X 40’ room is featureless except<br />

for a low, circular pedestal, 20’ in diameter<br />

about 4” high. When a character stands on<br />

the pedestal, it begins to rise, and a black<br />

opening appears in the ceiling above it.<br />

The other PCs need to react quickly, as the<br />

pedestal will rise with or without them. If they<br />

miss, the pedestal will reset in one turn.<br />

As the platform on which you stand rises<br />

you pass into the impenetrable darkness.<br />

The platform stops moving at what you<br />

think is floor level, and a monstrous, glowing<br />

shape glides towards you . . .<br />

The glowing figure is a new monster, the<br />

Darksider (see description).<br />

you hear, “I am your dark side. I know your<br />

darkest fears and doubts! And, I wish them<br />

to be, so defeat me or die!” It raises its<br />

hands and a wave of terror washes over you.<br />

The PCs can now react, but actions other<br />

than disbelief will do them little good. Any<br />

attacks by their “vision” will seem real.<br />

In the thought projection attack that follows,<br />

each character must react individually to his<br />

fear. Remember that the PCs have not moved,<br />

although they may seem to be removed from<br />

the rest of the group, so watch for area-effect<br />

spells or any combat.<br />

The only way to fight the Darksider is to<br />

demonstrate an act of disbelief or become unconscious.<br />

Otherwise run the combat normally.<br />

Darksider (1): Int Genius: AL NE; AC n/a;<br />

MV instantaneous; HD n/a; hp n/a: #AT 1;<br />

THACO hits automatically: Dmg as victim X 2<br />

(apparent damage): SA ESp, thought projection<br />

(no save): SD immune to most attacks.<br />

The Darksider<br />

The Darksider is an energy being from the<br />

Negative Material plane, that feeds on anxiety<br />

and fear. The Darksider appears as a ghost-like<br />

form of each of its “victims.” Using ESp, the<br />

Darksider determines the single greatest fear<br />

of each subject. It then uses thoughtprojection<br />

to create the deepest, darkest fears of its<br />

subject. If “killed” by this fear, the victim does<br />

not die but merely falls unconscious. Afterwards,<br />

the victim is forever immune to that<br />

Darksider’s attack.<br />

Most deaths that are attributed to Darksider<br />

appearances have been caused by adventurers<br />

attempting to slay it, and actually slaying other<br />

party members. Deaths have also occurred<br />

through attempts to flee the illusion. Otherwise,<br />

a Darksider is incapable of giving or receiving<br />

physical damage.<br />

After all is resolved, the PCs awake, and the<br />

platform begins to rise again.<br />

Well of All Heals<br />

As the pedestal clears the floor of the room<br />

above you, you see . . . an enormous gold<br />

dragon lying atop a huge pile of gold coins<br />

and precious gems. He watches you for a<br />

moment, and then says, . . .<br />

“Well?”<br />

The PCs need to explain why they are there<br />

and what they seek. The dragon will ask them<br />

why they think they are worth receiving the<br />

healing powers of the Well. After hearing their<br />

answers, he will comment as much to himself<br />

as to the PCs, “For all your tests to go unrewarded<br />

would be wrong!” and he moves aside<br />

to reveal a golden door in the wall behind him.<br />

nate spouts that shoot a splendid aquacolored<br />

water that catches the light in a<br />

thousand rainbow hues. A beautiful swan<br />

floats upon the water.<br />

Upon their entrance into the room, the swan<br />

beckons them to come swim with her. Total<br />

immersion for one round begins the healing<br />

process. After one turn the healing is complete<br />

and the PCs are back to normal. Nesfar (for so<br />

it is) enters the room at this time and the swan<br />

swims to greet him, transforming into human<br />

form at the water’s edge. The PCs recognize<br />

Seeara.<br />

Nesfar and Seeara explain that it is necessary<br />

to test those who seek the Well. Its<br />


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