TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free

TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free

TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free


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Ilkif’s bwellinc;<br />

a FOYER<br />

B tivinq Room<br />

C llklc’s BsbROOm<br />

6 Cjusst Room<br />

€ maqic WoRkshop<br />

The wolf pack has met with great success<br />

preying on area sheep herds. Since they have<br />

not met any resistance from the locals they<br />

have become confident enough to attack the<br />

camping PCs.<br />

The rest of the night and entire second day<br />

pass uneventfully. The PCs and Ansanther<br />

continue to travel until Ansanther believes<br />

they are close to the lake.<br />

The Lake of Mist<br />

~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~<br />

You have traveled another short day. Again<br />

you stop by the roadside so that Ansanther<br />

may rest. As sunset approaches Ansanther<br />

beckons you to sit near her.<br />

“The time has come,” Ansanther speaks<br />

in a voice little above a whisper, “to tell you<br />

of the wonders of the Lake of Mist. The lake<br />

is small but protected but powerful magics<br />

and surrounded by a thick mist. It can not<br />

be found on any map, But can be found<br />

with this. . .”<br />

So saying, Ansanther reveals a small,<br />

clear glass ball that is half filled with water.<br />

She continues, “Ilkif the mage once gave me<br />

this device. It will lead us to the lake<br />

through the magical mist.” As she holds the<br />

item in her hand the water defies gravity<br />

and slides up the inside of the sphere.<br />

Smiling, Ansanther says, “Ilkif was always<br />

so clever. The water shows us the direction<br />

in which the lake lies. Beware<br />

though, for the mist is thick, and we must<br />

pass through it quickly, as fell things are<br />

known to live within. Lastly, beyond the<br />

mist at the edge of the lake stands the<br />

guardian. Fear not, it has never stopped me<br />

in the past.”<br />

In the morning, the road enters thickly<br />

wooded terrain. Shortly afterwards, Ansanthei<br />

leads the party from the trail into the woods. P<br />

turn after they enter the woods, the magical<br />

mist begins to rise. If the characters do not<br />

stay in a group they could easily become separated.<br />

The mist limits all vision (magical or<br />

otherwise) to ten feet or less. After another<br />

turn of walking, shapes can be seen moving<br />

through the mist.

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