TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free

TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free

TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free


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Well of All<br />

Terrain: Any<br />

total Party Levels: Any<br />

Average Party Level: Any<br />

Adventure XP:<br />

Full: Special<br />

Partial: Special<br />

Retreat: Special<br />

Set Up<br />

The Well of All Heals is an ancient and, some<br />

believe, mythical place; a tale told to sick children<br />

to give them hope and to speed them to<br />

recovery. It is a place rumored to be guarded<br />

by good, surrounded by evil, and protected by<br />

a dragon. Many seek the healing powers of the<br />

waters within, but few find its treasures. The<br />

location of the Well changes each time it is<br />

found.<br />

If one or more party members have ailments<br />

otherwise beyond remedy, from damage, an<br />

incurable disease, a curse, or perhaps one or<br />

more reincarnated characters who want their<br />

original form back. They will hear that this<br />

fabled Well of All Heals might heal them. The<br />

search has led to one Landis, a mage of the<br />

<strong>Free</strong> City of Greyhawk.<br />

After spending many days and a lot of gold,<br />

a voiceless rogue has brought you to a location<br />

deep with the old part of the city. ’bo<br />

great iron gates block your way. Before you<br />

have time to wonder what’s beyond, the<br />

right gate creaks open and a huge, cloaked<br />

man stands before you.<br />

“I am Brigg, the gatekeeper. Please enter.<br />

Landis does not like to be kept waiting.”<br />

Behind you, the voiceless rogue disappears<br />

into the night.<br />

Brigg: Int Genius; AL LG; AC 2; MV 12; F/M<br />

718; hp 87; #AT 312 at +3; THACO 14; Dmg 1-8<br />

+ 5; SZ M; ML 15; XP 3,000; S 18/90, D 14, C<br />

16, I 17, W 16, Ch 14. Spells: 4/4/3/2. Items:<br />

cloak of protection + 4, ring of protection + 4.<br />

As the last of you enters, the gates shut. You<br />

walk through a short courtyard and through<br />

the open front door of a large but squarish<br />

house. Landis. . . some have suggested that<br />

he is an evil mage. Some say more enter his<br />

house than leave. Could it be that someone<br />

evil holds the key to your. . . future? You<br />

walk down a long hall, and then turn left into<br />

a dimly-lit room. Eight chairs form a semicircle<br />

in front of a great oak desk. Brigg<br />

moves to the side of the desk and stands<br />

beside a large draped object. All is quiet.<br />

Wait a few seconds to see what the player<br />

characters do. If they make any noise, Brigg<br />

“Shhh’s” them. Wait until at least one PC is<br />

seated. Landis will then enter and beckon<br />

everyone to be seated.<br />

After moments of uneasy silence, a hooded<br />

figure in a dark blue robe with stars upon it<br />

glides into the room and moves behind the<br />

great desk. With a wave of his hand, the<br />

draping comes away from the object to reveal<br />

a mirror. But, instead of a reflection of<br />

yourselves, you see a peaceful valley. When<br />

your gaze returns to the figure you now<br />

know to be Landis, his hood has been<br />

thrown back to reveal the features of a drow.<br />

Landis Bree, male dark elf: Int Genius; AL<br />

N; AC 1; M12; hp 27; hp 27; #AT 1; THACO 17:<br />

Dmg special; SZ M; ML 15; XP 5,000; S 15, D<br />

19, C 12, I 17, W 15, Ch 12. Items: bracers AC<br />

5. Spells: 4/4/4/4/4/1.<br />

Before entering the room, Landis has cast<br />

protection from normal missiles and globe of<br />

invulnerability He is wearing a robe of stars,<br />

and at the first sign of violence he will go “astral,”<br />

take ten steps backward, and reappear in<br />

the adjoining room (which the PCs cannot<br />

see). He will not reenter until Brigg assures<br />

him that the PCs will behave.<br />

haven’t lived in the light for 20 years without<br />

learning what the fair-skinned races think of<br />

those from below. Regardless, you have<br />

come to me for aid. tell me of your needs.”<br />

Let the PCs tell of their woes, then continue.<br />

“Unfortunately, however, I cannot help you<br />

- directly. There is a place. As young ones

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