TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free

TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free

TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free


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lose, they themselves will cut open the Great<br />

Old Master’s body to release the neogi reinforcements<br />

(see below).<br />

The Great Old Master: Int Low; AL LE; AC<br />

5; MV 3; HD 20; hp 112; THACO nil; #AT 0;<br />

Dmg special: SA if attacked and its flesh is<br />

pierced, 2-8 young neogi (use standard stats)<br />

are released; SZ H; XP 500.<br />

Kiang (neogi leader): Int High; AL LE; AC<br />

3; MV 6; HD 7; hp 45; THACO 13; #AT 3; Dmg<br />

1-3/1-3/1-6; SA slowing poison, spells: SZ S;<br />

XP 1200; Spells: 4/3/2/1 (from book). Scroll:<br />

delayed blast fireball. Scroll: feeblemind,<br />

power word stun.<br />

Neogi (4): Int High; AL LE; AC 3; MV 6; HD<br />

5; hp 20,24,26,27; THACO 15: #AT 3: Dmg<br />

1-3/1-3/1-6; SA slowing poison; SZ S; XP 270.<br />

The Starfarer<br />

If the PCs defeat the neogi and Zynthar, they<br />

will find that they have a rather large treasure<br />

available to them, namely, the Starfarer. If the<br />

PCs try to simply take the ship, the City Guard<br />

will board it and arrest the PCs for theft. As<br />

long as they reveal to the authorities that the<br />

ship was owned by monsters (the neogi), the<br />

city will allow the PCs to keep the ship as their<br />

own (subject to any fees or taxes the DM wishes<br />

to levy). If you do not wish the characters to<br />

go off-planet, the City can claim the ship (the<br />

PCs get a suitable monetary reward), or the<br />

City might claim just the spelljamming helm<br />

(the throne-sized device that allows the ship to<br />

fly through space), leaving them with a sailing<br />

ship of the largest size.<br />

If the player characters search the ship, use<br />

the map and following key to describe it.<br />

Forecastle: This deck mounts two light ballistae<br />

and the foremast.<br />

Sterncastle: This deck mounts a light catapult<br />

and the mizzenmast. The captain usually<br />

stands here.<br />

Main Deck:<br />

1. Storage: A small cabin containing rope,<br />

lines, and an anchor.<br />

2. Forward Stateroom: This was the cabin of<br />

the neogi who has become the Great Old Master,<br />

and contains little of value.<br />

3. Captain’s Cabin: Zynthar’s cabin, where<br />

the illithid currently resides. A large bed sits<br />

on the floor along the bow wall. Oddities in the<br />

cabin include a map of the city and city<br />

sewers, a small case containing a few gems<br />

(250 gp to 500 gp in value), and a scroll containing<br />

a minor creation spell.<br />

4. Spelljammer Quarters: This is Kiang’s<br />

cabin, though most of his belongings (what<br />

little he had), he has since taken to the cave<br />

outside the city.<br />

5. Spelljamming Helm: This cabin contains<br />

the spelljamming helm for the Starfarer. The<br />

ship uses a minor helm, which looks like a<br />

large gothic-style chair, but is designed to hold<br />

a creature with 8 legs instead of two. The helm<br />

has recesses for the spelljammer’s head, two<br />

arms and eight legs.<br />

6. Chart Room: This cabin contains a large<br />

table with many different star charts on top of<br />

it. These charts are very much like the one<br />

found in the chest in Kiang’s chamber in the<br />

cave. To determine exactly what the charts are<br />

used for requires an Navigation proficiency<br />

check at - 2.<br />

7. Galley: While the cabin resembles a galley,<br />

none of the food is anything that the PCs recognize.<br />

All of the stores are from the neogi’s<br />

world, and don’t look very appetizing.<br />

8. Storage: This cabin was used to store galley<br />

supplies and food, but is currently empty.<br />

The stores have been moved to the cave.<br />

9. Cargo Doors: These doors lead to the cargo<br />

hold below.<br />

Cargo Deck:<br />

Half of the crew’s quarters are used by the<br />

umber hulk slaves and the neogi, while the<br />

other half house the human slaves. The humans’<br />

cabins are disgusting. As many as<br />

twenty men shared each of these cabins, perhaps<br />

even more than that. Only five slaves are<br />

left alive, and they can be found in cabin number<br />

2 on this deck. The rest of the human crew<br />

has been fed to the Great Old Master.<br />


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