TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free

TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free

TSR 9360 - WGR2 - Free


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The Riddles of the Sphinx<br />

Raynald ushers the party into the next<br />

chamber. The gnome is at once obsequious<br />

and deferential. As they find comfortable<br />

chairs, and Raynald asks them to be seated,<br />

and offers to bring them wine or other refreshment.<br />

He informs them that Gwendolyn does<br />

not offer her wisdom to just anyone. He smiles<br />

and remarks that he hopes that they are good<br />

at riddles. He then opens a door and a regal<br />

creature strides in. Gwendolyn is in the prime<br />

of sphinxhood, and any character should be<br />

impressed. Her face is beautiful, noble, and<br />

wise.<br />

Gwendolyn greets the characters and asks<br />

why they have come. When she listens to their<br />

request, she replies that she can help them.<br />

But first, a condition. As payment for her help,<br />

the party must tell her the location of an androsphinx.<br />

If the party actually knows such a<br />

location, they can immediately get her help. If<br />

they don’t know such a location, the sphinx<br />

suggests a compromise. If they can answer<br />

three riddles, she will help them. If not, they<br />

must forfeit some valuable magic or gems. She<br />

favors magical items that might help her locate<br />

an androsphinx, especially items with<br />

divination magic. If they have none, she will<br />

settle for any valuable (at least 500 gp) gem.<br />

Failing either of those, she will settle for any<br />

single magical item they have.<br />

The Riddles:<br />

1. A life longer than any man, it dies each<br />

year to be reborn. (answer-a tree)<br />

2. In the eyes it causes blindness, in the<br />

nose just a sneeze, yet some suck this down<br />

and act as if pleased. (answer-smoke)<br />

3. It stands alone, with no bone or solid<br />

form. Adamant, it prospers, never wrong,<br />

though hurt it may. twistable, malleable,<br />

might it be, but always straight as an arrow.<br />

(answer-truth)<br />

The characters are only given five minutes<br />

to answer each riddle. The DM should keep the<br />

pressure on. If they answer the riddles, the<br />

party can get Gwendolyn’s help. If not, they<br />

must pay up to secure her help.<br />

Gwendolyn has been traveling all over the<br />

continent for a number of years, and knows a<br />

lot about Oerth and the area in general. She<br />

can be used to provide directions to nearly any<br />

of the treasures in this book, or to a place of<br />

the DM’s design.<br />

Gwendolyn (gynosphinx): Int Genius; AL<br />

N; AC - 1; MV 15, F124 (D); HD 8; hp 37;<br />

THACO 13; #AT 2; Dmg 2-8/2-8; SA Special;<br />

SZ L; ML 17; XP 3,000. Once per day she can<br />

cast detect magic, read magic, read languages,<br />

detect invisibility, locate object, dispel magic,<br />

claira udience, clairvoyance, remove curse,<br />

and legend lore. She can also use each sym bo1<br />

once per week.<br />

Notes on Gwendolyn<br />

The sphinx is basically friendly to all<br />

adventurers. She keeps her treasure<br />

stashed in a remote place on the mountain,<br />

so a party that attacks her gets nothing for<br />

their trouble but Raynald’s magical gloves.<br />

If attacked, she and Raynald will defend<br />

themselves to the best of their considerable<br />

abilities.<br />

The sphinx answers the party’s questions<br />

mostly with her legend lore spell. This can<br />

takes ldlO days if detailed information is<br />

known (a good description of the item in<br />

question, the name of a particular magical<br />

item, or of the last owner), and 2d6 weeks if<br />

only rumors are known. The party may<br />

have to wait awhile.<br />

They will not be allowed to sleep in the<br />

tower, there just isn’t room. Feel free to roll<br />

for a wandering monster once per day, or<br />

just ignore this check. The tower is in a fairly<br />

remote location, and Gwendolyn’s presence<br />

keeps all of the more numerous, less<br />

powerful monsters away.<br />

Gwendolyn can be visited again, but if so,<br />

the DM should come up with different challenges<br />

for the players. Nothing too drastic,<br />

perhaps have the entire tower under the<br />

effects of an invisibility spell, or the stairs<br />

greased. It should be something the party<br />

can handle, but it should require courage<br />

and willpower to overcome.<br />

If the party comes back again, she drops<br />

the riddle games and begins charging higher<br />

rates for each visit. If the party begins to<br />

overuse her knowledge, she can hear about<br />

an androsphinx and leave, never to return.<br />


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