Thermonicolet Omnic Software User's Guide 6.1 (PDF) - Charles E ...

Thermonicolet Omnic Software User's Guide 6.1 (PDF) - Charles E ...

Thermonicolet Omnic Software User's Guide 6.1 (PDF) - Charles E ...


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To print the spectrum and functional group bands, turn on IR Spectral<br />

Interpretation Results Spectra. To print the contents of the table, turn on IR<br />

Spectral Interpretation Table.<br />

You can use the Printer Setup button to set parameters that affect how the<br />

information will be printed; for example, the printer or paper orientation to use.<br />

When you are finished, choose OK.<br />

5. When you are finished viewing the results, choose Close to close the<br />

Spectral Interpretation window.<br />

Performing a<br />

QC comparison<br />

Note<br />

Use QC Compare in the Analyze menu to verify the composition of a sample. The<br />

command compares the spectrum of the sample with spectra in the specified QC<br />

libraries and reports how well the spectrum matches the library spectra.<br />

The spectra in a QC library are not independent (as in a search library) but instead<br />

are grouped into compound types. Because of this, the result of comparing a sample<br />

spectrum with the spectra in a QC library is not a list of the best individual matches<br />

in the library but instead a display of the single best match from each type.<br />

If you want to identify an unknown spectrum, use Search in the Analyze menu.<br />

See “Searching a spectral library” for details. ▲<br />

You can include the entire sample spectrum in the comparison or just certain<br />

spectral regions. The compared regions are determined by three things:<br />

• The regions you have specified for the library using the Search Regions tab in<br />

the Library Setup dialog box.<br />

• Which regions were not blanked when you created the library.<br />

• The region of the spectrum you have displayed or selected in the spectral window.<br />

Only those portions of the spectrum which are within the selected region (or<br />

displayed region if no region is selected) and within the regions of the library that<br />

were not blanked and within any of the regions you specified for the library using<br />

the Search Regions tab will be included in the comparison.<br />

Perform a QC comparison<br />

1. Use Library Setup in the Analyze menu to set up the QC comparison.<br />

2. Select the spectrum whose composition you want to verify.<br />

3. If desired, specify a spectral region to compare by selecting it with the<br />

region tool or by displaying it in the spectral window.<br />

The compared regions are determined by three things:<br />

• Which regions you have specified for the library using the Search<br />

Regions tab in the Library Setup dialog box.<br />

266 Thermo Nicolet

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