Thermonicolet Omnic Software User's Guide 6.1 (PDF) - Charles E ...

Thermonicolet Omnic Software User's Guide 6.1 (PDF) - Charles E ...

Thermonicolet Omnic Software User's Guide 6.1 (PDF) - Charles E ...


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experiment, 114, 146<br />

default directory for, 76<br />

file with digital signature, 7<br />

interferograms, 102, 119<br />

log<br />

as text file or rich text format (RTF) file, 77<br />

default directory for, 76<br />

macro, 76<br />

report template, 305<br />

spectrum, 53, 154<br />

as different file type, 54<br />

automatically, 76, 89, 118<br />

default directory for, 76<br />

file type for, 76<br />

in group, 55<br />

in log, 77<br />

requiring digital signature for, 102<br />

when closing spectral window, 15, 91<br />

with new filename, 54<br />

Savitsky-Golay algorithm used for smoothing, 218<br />

scans<br />

collecting more, 151, 157<br />

number of<br />

displayed in Collect Sample window, 148<br />

for collecting spectrum, 115<br />

in sampling information, 100, 172<br />

included in printed information, 84<br />

number of additional, 151<br />

scattering<br />

baseline tilted due to, 198<br />

scrapbook library<br />

creating, 271<br />

defined, 270<br />

scrolling spectra, 43<br />

sealed and desiccated spectrometer, 142<br />

Seaport, 125<br />

search<br />

extended, 246<br />

selecting method for in EZ OMNIC, 251<br />

Search, 257<br />

how to use, 258<br />

search expert, 247<br />

adding green check mark or red X from to report<br />

template, 299<br />

comments, 257, 259<br />

printing, 262<br />

using in EZ OMNIC, 251<br />

search library<br />

creating, 271<br />

defined, 270<br />

searching<br />

library, 257<br />

adding results of to report template, 298<br />

affected by baseline, 199<br />

affected by noise, 262<br />

affected by optical dispersion, 205<br />

affected by straight line, 208<br />

affected by totally absorbing peaks, 131, 262<br />

algorithm for, 248<br />

and ATR correction, 205<br />

blanking derivative peaks before, 208<br />

blanking spectral regions before, 208<br />

correcting baseline before, 262<br />

correcting spectrum for pathlength variation<br />

before, 207<br />

data spacing for, 221<br />

finding results of by searching for text in<br />

reports, 314<br />

for text, 280<br />

match value for, 248<br />

maximum number of spectra found by, 248<br />

preparing samples before, 262<br />

printing results of, 261<br />

setting up for, 243<br />

special criteria for, 246<br />

spectral regions for, 248, 249, 250<br />

using EZ OMNIC, 251<br />

using search expert, 247<br />

report notebook for text, 314<br />

selecting libraries for, 244<br />

second derivative<br />

converting spectrum to, 222<br />

described, 222<br />

noise in, 223<br />

security, 4, 5<br />

options, 101<br />

Security options, 101<br />

displaying, 102<br />

Select All, 73<br />

how to use, 73<br />

selected spectrum<br />

color, 16, 23<br />

deselecting, 24<br />

hiding, 42, 175<br />

image contained in view finder, 19<br />

title, 17, 23<br />

selecting<br />

all spectra in spectral window, 73<br />

annotation, 27<br />

baseline points for correction, 199<br />

configuration, 63<br />

detector, 147<br />

experiment, 111<br />

default directory for, 76<br />

font, style and size for text, 81<br />

library, 272<br />

library spectrum, 273<br />

more than one spectrum, 18, 23<br />

report template, 305<br />

default directory for, 76<br />

source, 147<br />

spectral region, 28<br />

spectrum, 73<br />

by clicking title, 18<br />

using arrow keys, 18, 19<br />

using selection tool, 23<br />

using title box, 18<br />

tool on palette, 23<br />

window, 319<br />

336 Thermo Nicolet

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