Barclays, Base Prospectus 2006

Barclays, Base Prospectus 2006

Barclays, Base Prospectus 2006


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(iii) Application of the tax provisions of the German Investment Tax Act<br />

The application of the German Investment Tax Act (Investmentsteuergesetz) requires the holding of an<br />

interest in an investment fund (Investmentanteile).<br />

According to a tax decree of the German tax administration dated 2 June 2005 (BMF, IV C 1 - S 1980 -<br />

1 - 87/05) concerning the application the German Investment Tax Act in case of foreign investment<br />

funds an interest requires that between the holder and the legal entity owning the foreign fund assets<br />

exists a direct legal relationship which, however, has not to be membership-like relationship.<br />

According to the tax decree a security being issued by a third party and only reflecting the economic<br />

results of a foreign investment fund or several foreign investment funds (e.g. a Note) will not be<br />

regarded as a unit in a foreign investment fund. In certain cases, e.g. if a security provides for a<br />

physical delivery of interests in funds, the Investment Tax Act may apply, in which case investors may<br />

be subject to tax with fictitious profits. Furthermore, following the physical delivery of interests in<br />

entities which qualify as foreign investment funds the holder of such instruments would be subject to<br />

the provisions of the lnvestment Tax Act as well.<br />

(b) Taxation if the Notes are held as business assets (Betriebsvermögen)<br />

In case of tax resident corporations or individual investors holding Notes as business assets<br />

(Betriebsvermögen), capital gains from a disposal or redemption of Notes will be subject to corporate<br />

income tax or income tax, as the case may be, (each plus solidarity surcharge) and trade tax regardless<br />

of whether or not the Notes are sold or redeemed within one year after acquisition.<br />

If instead of a cash-settlement at maturity of a Note, a physical delivery of bonds, shares, interests in<br />

funds takes place, such delivery would be regarded as a taxable sale of the Note and the according<br />

capital gain will be subject to corporate income tax or income tax, as the case may be, (each plus<br />

solidarity surcharge) and trade tax.<br />

Withholding tax and solidarity surcharge thereon are credited as prepayments against the German<br />

personal income tax liability (or corporate income tax liability, as the case may be) and the solidarity<br />

surcharge. If the tax withheld exceeds the respective tax liability, the difference will be refunded to a<br />

tax resident holder of Notes within the tax assessment procedure.<br />

With respect to the application of the Investment Tax Act please see section (a) (iii) above, which<br />

applies analogously in case of investors holding the Notes as business assets.<br />

Non-residents<br />

Persons, who are not tax resident in Germany, are not subject to tax, unless the Notes (i) are held as<br />

business assets of a German permanent establishment (including a permanent representative) which is<br />

maintained by the holder of the Notes or (ii) the income under the Notes is part of taxable German<br />

source income for other reasons.<br />

Inheritance and Gift Tax<br />

No inheritance or gift taxes with respect to any Note will arise under the laws of Germany, if, in the<br />

case of inheritance tax, neither the decedent nor the beneficiary, or, in the case of gift tax, neither the<br />

donor nor the donee, is a resident of Germany and such Note is not attributable to a German trade or<br />

business for which a permanent establishment is maintained, or a permanent representative has been<br />

appointed, in Germany. Exceptions from this rule apply to certain German expatriates.<br />

Other Taxes<br />

No stamp, issue, registration or similar taxes or duties will be payable in Germany in connection with<br />

the issuance, delivery or execution of the Notes. Currently, net assets tax is not levied in Germany.

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