PDF File - GEC

PDF File - GEC

PDF File - GEC


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Title and Version<br />

Number<br />

6. Tool to determine<br />

project emissions<br />

from flaring<br />

gases containing<br />

methane –<br />

Version 1 [EB28,<br />

Annex 13]<br />

7. Tool to calculate<br />

the emission<br />

factor for an<br />

electricity system<br />

– Version 1.1<br />

[EB35, Annex 12]<br />

1. Tool for the<br />

demonstration<br />

and assessment<br />

of additionality<br />

in A/R CDM<br />

project activities<br />

– Version 2 [EB35,<br />

Annex 17]<br />

Scope and<br />

applicability<br />

Parameter(s) to<br />

be determined<br />

Scope and<br />

applicability<br />

Parameter(s) to<br />

be determined<br />

Scope<br />

Scope, Applicability and Parameters<br />

This tool provides procedures to calculate project emissions from flaring of a<br />

residual gas stream (RG) containing methane. This tool is applicable under the<br />

following conditions:<br />

• The RG to be flared contains no other combustible gases than methane,<br />

carbon monoxide and hydrogen;<br />

• The RG to be flared shall be obtained from decomposition of organic material<br />

(through landfills, bio-digesters or anaerobic lagoons, among others) or from<br />

gases vented in coal mines (coal mine methane and coal bed methane).<br />

• Project emissions from flaring of the residual gas stream in year y (tCO 2 e)<br />

[PE flare,y ]<br />

• Flare efficiency in hour h based on measurements or default values [ηflare,h]<br />

This methodological tool determines the CO 2 emission factor for the displacement<br />

of electricity generated by power plants in an electricity system, by calculating the<br />

“operating margin” (OM) and “build margin” (BM) as well as the “combined margin”<br />

(CM). The OM refers to a cohort of power plants that reflect the existing power<br />

plants whose electricity generation would be affected by the proposed CDM<br />

project activity. The BM refers to a cohort of power units that reflect the type of<br />

power units whose construction would be affected by the proposed CDM project<br />

activity.<br />

This tool may be referred to in order to estimate the OM, BM and/or CM for<br />

the purpose of calculating baseline emissions for a project activity substitutes<br />

electricity from the grid, i.e. where a project activity supplies electricity to a grid<br />

or a project activity that results in savings of electricity that would have been<br />

provided by the grid (e.g. demand-side energy efficiency projects).<br />

Note that this tool is also referred to in the “Tool to calculate project emissions<br />

from electricity consumption” for the purpose of calculating project and leakage<br />

emissions in case where a project activity consumes electricity from the grid or<br />

results in increase of consumption of electricity from the grid outside the project<br />

boundary.<br />

• Combined margin CO 2 emission factor for grid connected power generation in<br />

year y (tCO 2 /MWh) [EF grid,CM,y ]<br />

• Build margin CO 2 emission factor for grid connected power generation in year<br />

y (tCO 2 /MWh) [EF grid,BM,y ]<br />

• Operating margin CO 2 emission factor for grid connected power generation in<br />

year y (tCO 2 /MWh) [EF grid,OM,y ]<br />


Applicability<br />

Parameter(s) to<br />

be determined<br />

• This tool provides for a step-wise approach to demonstrate additionality in A/R<br />

CDM projects.<br />

• Project participants proposing new baseline methodologies may incorporate<br />

this tool in their proposal. Project participants may also propose other<br />

approaches for the demonstration of additionality to the EB for its<br />

consideration.<br />

• In validating the application of this tool to a proposed project activity, DOEs<br />

should assess credibility of all data, rationales, assumptions, justifications and<br />

documentation provided by project participants to support the selection of<br />

the baseline and demonstration of additionality.<br />

Procedure: Project participants shall apply the following five steps:<br />

• STEP 0. Preliminary screening based on the starting date of the A/R project<br />

activity;<br />

• STEP 1. Identification of alternative land use scenarios to the A/R project<br />

activity;<br />

• STEP 2. Investment analysis to determine that the proposed project activity is<br />

not the most economically or financially attractive of the identified land use<br />

scenarios; or<br />

• STEP 3. Barriers analysis; and<br />

• STEP 4. Common practice analysis.<br />

• Forestation of the land within the proposed project boundary performed with<br />

or without being registered as the A/R CDM project activity shall not lead to<br />

violation of any applicable law even if the law is not enforced;<br />

• The use of this tool to determine additionality requires the baseline<br />

methodology to provide for a stepwise approach justifying the determination<br />

of the most plausible baseline scenario. Project participants proposing new<br />

baseline methodologies shall ensure consistency between the determination<br />

of a baseline scenario and the determination of additionality of a project<br />

activity; and<br />

• This tool is not applicable to small scale afforestation and reforestation project<br />

activities.<br />

This procedure does not use its own parameters.<br />


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