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2.1 CDM typology<br />

CDM project activities can be divided into the following types depending on the size and kinds of<br />

activity undertaken. Project participants who wish to develop a CDM project activity should first<br />

determine in which of the following categories the project activity would fit, as different modalities<br />

and procedures and formats apply to each project type.<br />

Table 2-1 Classification of CDM project activities<br />

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)<br />

1. Emission Reduction Type CDM<br />

Large Scale CDM<br />

CDM project activities which reduce GHG emissions from fossil fuel combustion, fossil fuel<br />

consumption, mining, and fugitive emission in host countries.<br />

Small Scale CDM (SSC)<br />

CDM project activities which fall into three limits/types as follows:<br />

Type I: Renewable energy project activities with a maximum output capacity of 15 MW (or an<br />

appropriate equivalent)<br />

Type II: Energy efficiency improvement project activities which reduce energy consumption,<br />

on the supply and/or demand side, with a maximum output of 60 GWh per year (or an<br />

appropriate equivalent)<br />

Type III: Other project activities that result in emission reductions of less than or equal to 60 kt<br />

CO 2 equivalent annually<br />

[CMP/2006/10/Add.1, page 8, para. 28]<br />

2. Sink or Removal Type CDM / Afforestation and Reforestation (A/R) CDM<br />

Large Scale A/R CDM<br />

CDM project activities to result in GHG removals by sinks through afforestation and reforestation<br />

in host countries.<br />

Small Scale A/R CDM (SSC A/R)<br />

Those that are expected to result in net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks of less than 16 kt<br />

CO 2 per year and are developed or implemented by low-income communities and individuals as<br />

determined by the host Party. [CMP/2007/9/Add.1, page 26]<br />

2.2 Application of a baseline methodology<br />

2.2.1 Overview of CDM project activities (large scale)<br />

This type of CDM project activities result in emission reduction in host countries. The activities include<br />

fossil fuel combustion, fossil fuel consumption, mining, and fugitive emission. Comparing with the<br />

GHG emission reduction limits of small scale CDM project activities as mentioned in section 2.2.3,<br />

other project activities are called “large scale” CDM project activities. Project participants wishing to<br />

develop such a project activity should prepare a fully completed project design document (CDM-<br />

PDD) and submit it for validation and registration. The detail procedure is discussed in Chapter 3.<br />

The modalities and procedures, formats and relevant guidelines for CDM project activities are listed<br />

in Appendix 1. Sectoral scope wise list of approved methodologies (AMs) and approved consolidated<br />

methodologies (ACMs) with further discussion are provided in Appendix 2.<br />


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