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PDF File - GEC


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Actual GHG<br />

removals by sinks<br />

Leakage<br />

Baseline net GHG<br />

removals by sinks<br />

Net GHG removals<br />

by sinks<br />

600 tCO2<br />

1000 tCO2 100 tCO2<br />

300 tCO2<br />

Figure 3-2 Calculation of the net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks<br />

tCERs reflect the difference of carbon stock in the carbon pools in the project and baseline at the time<br />

of verification less cumulative project GHG emissions within the project boundary less cumulative<br />

GHG emissions outside the project boundary due to afforestation or reforestation difference in<br />

carbon stocks in the carbon pools outside the project boundary (tCO 2 ), affected by afforestation or<br />

reforestation activity, in the baseline and project at the time of verification, i.e,<br />

tv<br />

tv<br />

t-CER (tv) = [CP(tv) – CB(tv) – ∑E(t) – ∑LE (t) – (LP_B (tv) – LP_P (tv))<br />

0 0<br />

lCERs reflect the difference of increment of the carbon stock in the carbon pools, between two<br />

verification period, in the project and the baseline less project GHG emissions between two<br />

verification period less GHG emissions outside the project boundary less difference of increment in<br />

carbon stock in the carbon pools outside the project boundary (tCO 2 ), affected by afforestation or<br />

reforestation project activity, in the baseline and project, i.e,<br />

l-CER (tv) = [CP(tv) – CP(tv – K)] – [CB(tv) – CB(tv – K)] – ∑E(t) – ∑LE(t)<br />

– [(LP_B(tv) – LP_B(tv – K)) – (LP_P(tv) – LP_P(tv – K))]<br />

where:<br />

t-CER(t v ) t-CERs emitted at time of verification t v (tCO 2 )<br />

l-CER(t v ) l-CERs emitted at time of verification t v (tCO 2 )<br />

CP(t v ) Existing carbon stocks at the time of verification t v (tCO 2 )<br />

CB(t v ) Estimated carbon stocks of the baseline scenario at time of verification t v (tCO 2 )<br />

E(t) Project emissions in year t (tCO 2 )<br />

L E (t) Leakage: estimated emissions by sources outside the project boundary in year t (tCO 2 )<br />

L P_B (t v ) Leakage: estimated carbon pools outside the project boundaries in the baseline scenario on<br />

areas that will be affected due to the implementation of a project activity at time of verification t v<br />

(tCO 2 )<br />

L P_P (t v ) Leakage: existing carbon pools outside the project boundaries that have be affected by the<br />

implementation of a project activity at time of verification t v (tCO 2 )<br />

t v Year of verification<br />

K Time span between two verifications<br />

The EB agreed to the methodological tool for estimation of GHG emissions related to fossil fuel<br />

combustion in A/R CDM project activities [EB33, Annex 14]. This tool allows for estimating increase<br />

in GHG emissions (both project and leakage emissions) related to fossil fuel combustion (only CO 2<br />

emissions) in A/R CDM project activities. The sources of emissions are: vehicles (mobile sources, such<br />

as trucks, tractors, etc.) and mechanical equipments (e.g., portable equipment such as chain saws and<br />

stationary equipment such as water pumps) required by the A/R CDM project activity.<br />

tv<br />

tv–K<br />

tv<br />

tv–K<br />


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