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(7) CEF ther,BL,y CO 2 emissions intensity of the fuel used by boiler to generate thermal energy which<br />

is displaced by LFG based thermal energy generation, estimated as per ACM0001<br />

(tCO 2 e/TJ)<br />

4.5 Methods for the ex ante estimation of MD project,y<br />

Project proponents should provide an ex ante estimate of emissions reductions, by projecting the<br />

future GHG emissions of the landfill in the CDM-PDD. ACM0001 specifies a tool to estimate this.<br />

The ex ante estimation of MDproject,y, the amount of methane that would have been destroyed/<br />

combusted during the year (tCH 4 ), will be done with the “Tool to determine methane emissions<br />

avoided from dumping waste at a solid waste disposal site” (Version 02) [EB35, Annex 10], considering<br />

the following additional equation:<br />

MD project,y = BE CH4,SWDS,y / GWP CH4<br />

The quantity of methane projected to be formed during a given year is estimated using a first order<br />

decay (FOD) model based on the discrete time estimate method proposed in the IPCC Guidelines 20 .<br />

All of the example PDDs adopted the FOD model for ex ante estimation of methane generation<br />

potential. BE CH4,SWDS,y , the amount of methane generated from the landfill in the absence of the project<br />

activity at year y (tCO 2 e), is calculated as follows:<br />

16<br />

BE CH4,SWDS,y = ϕ • (1 – f ) • GWP CH4 • (1 – OX) • • F • DOC f • MCF<br />

12<br />

y<br />

• Σ Σ W j,x • DOC j • e –k • (y–x) • (1 – e –k j )<br />

where:<br />

φ Model correction factor to account for model uncertainties (Value 0.9)<br />

f Fraction of methane captured at the landfill site and flared, combusted or used in another manner<br />

F Fraction of methane in the landfill gas (volume fraction) (Default value 0.5)<br />

DOC j Fraction of degradable organic carbon (DOC) (by weight) in the waste type j (Refer to Table A-9 for values)<br />

DOC f Fraction of degradable organic carbon (DOC) that can decompose (Default value 0.5)<br />

MCF Methane correction factor (Refer to Table A-10 for values)<br />

GWP CH4 Global warming potential of methane (Value 21, for the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol)<br />

OX Oxidation factor (0.1 for managed landfills and 0 for other types of landfills)<br />

W j,x<br />

k j<br />

j<br />

x<br />

y<br />

Amount of organic waste type j prevented from landfilled in the year x (tonnes)<br />

Decay rate for the waste stream type j (Refer to Table A-11 for values)<br />

Waste type category<br />

Year during the crediting period: x runs from the first year of the first crediting period (x=1) to the year for which<br />

avoided emissions are calculated (x=y)<br />

Year for which methane emissions are calculated<br />

x = 1<br />

j<br />

Table A-9 DOC j values for the different waste types j<br />

Waste type j<br />

DOC j<br />

(% wet waste)<br />

DOC j<br />

(% dry waste)<br />

Wood and wood products 43 50<br />

Pulp, paper and cardboard (other than sludge) 40 44<br />

Food, food waste, beverages and tobacco (other than sludge) 15 38<br />

Textiles 24 30<br />

Garden, yard and park waste 20 49<br />

Glass, plastic, metal, other inert waste 0 0<br />

Source: Adapted from IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 5: Waste, Tables 2.4 and 2.5 (IPCC<br />

2006).<br />

20 IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 5: Waste (IPCC, 2006)<br />


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