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105<br />

Securities and participating interests in investees are classified as “available-for-sale” financial assets.<br />

They are generally measured at fair value after initial recognition.<br />

In the case of securities, fair value corresponds to the market price. Gains and losses from fair<br />

value changes are taken directly to equity until the financial asset has been disposed of, or until<br />

impairment is ascertained. In the instance of impairment, the accumulated net loss is removed from<br />

equity, and recognized in profit or loss.<br />

Participating interests in investees are measured at cost, since there is no active market, and their<br />

fair values cannot be reliably calculated since there are no company forecasts. Any indicators of<br />

impairment are recognized in income.<br />

Financial assets are generally recognized on their settlement date.<br />

Financial assets are derecognized if the contractual rights to cash inflows from the asset have<br />

expired, or if all risks and opportunities have essentially been transferred. They are also derecognized<br />

on their settlement date.<br />

Financial assets are also derecognized if their transfer results in neither the significant opportunities<br />

and risks connected with their ownership being transferred to the acquirer, nor being retained, and<br />

where the power of disposal over the financial assets has transferred to the acquirer. The rights and<br />

obligations arising or remaining as the result of this transfer are reported separately as assets or<br />

liabilities. If, by contrast, the power of disposal over the transferred financial assets remains with the<br />

<strong>ALNO</strong> Group, the assets that have been sold continue to be reported to the level of the continuing<br />

commitment. At the same time, a related liability is reported among other liabilities. Differences<br />

between the recognized assets and liabilities are reported in the financial result.<br />

Other assets are carried at cost, and cash and cash equivalents are recognized at nominal value.<br />

Pension provisions<br />

The <strong>ALNO</strong> Group operates a defined benefit pension plan for former members of its Managing<br />

Board, and its executives in Germany and abroad.<br />

<strong>ALNO</strong>’s pension plan is a defined benefit plan within the meaning of IAS 19.27, and includes a direct<br />

commitment by the company to provide agreed benefits to current and former employees; actuarial<br />

risks and investment risks are essentially borne by the company. The provision is calculated using<br />

the Projected Unit Credit Method according to IAS 19 to the extent that it is not covered by existing<br />

plan assets. Interest expenses are carried under financial expenses.<br />

The Group uses the option of taking all actuarial gains and losses that occur during the fiscal year<br />

directly to equity.<br />

Other provisions<br />

Other provisions are formed within the meaning of IAS 37 if a current – legal and constructive – obligation<br />

to third parties is likely that can lead to an outflow of resources that can be reliably estimated.<br />

Provisions for expenses are generally not formed.<br />

Provisions are measured in the amount of the best possible estimate of the expense that is required<br />

to fulfill the obligation on the balance sheet date. Non-current provisions are carried at their fulfillment<br />

amount, and discounted to the balance sheet date, according to IAS 37, to the extent that the effect<br />

is material. In the event of discounting, the increase in the provision caused by the passage of time<br />

is carried under financial expenses.

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