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Ongoing Research<br />

monitor household vulnerability, consumption <strong>and</strong> economic activity through surveys<br />

conducted at regular intervals during the period of the project. The baseline survey of 1500<br />

households in 100 villages was completed before the product was marketed in May 2006.<br />

Preliminary results Households that were rich, <strong>and</strong> those whose head was literate or educated,<br />

were much more likely to purchase insurance than those who were not. In addition, financial<br />

contracts are complicated, <strong>and</strong> it can be difficult for a farmer to underst<strong>and</strong> why she should<br />

spend money now, to get an uncertain payout in the future. Indeed, the survey in three<br />

districts of Gujarat found that SEWA members had very low levels of financial literacy: when<br />

given a short test that included questions about risk, inflation, <strong>and</strong> interest rates, members<br />

scored on average no higher than they would have simply by guessing. This was so despite<br />

relatively high math skills, respondents answered, on average, two-thirds of the math questions<br />

correctly. Members attitudes towards risk also mattered. In the baseline survey, respondents<br />

played a simple game, in which they chose between a "safe" option (the certainty of Rs 50),<br />

<strong>and</strong> increasingly risky options that offered a higher return. Two months after the survey,<br />

households who had picked safer choices were much more likely to purchase insurance than<br />

those who had selected riskier options. The most important question, however, will be answered<br />

only after completion of the study: does rainfall insurance improve the welfare of the households<br />

that buy it By carefully tracking households in 100 study villages, the Centre hopes to gain<br />

a clear underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the benefits, <strong>and</strong> limitations of, rainfall insurance.<br />

2. Product design of financial services<br />

The Grameen model is widely accepted by Indian MFIs. However, do we really know what would<br />

happen if we made fixed repayment schedules flexible, or if we moved from joint to individual<br />

liability New products may attract more clients, lead to higher impact while keeping default<br />

rates unchanged. According to Jonathan Morduch, "the full promise of microfinance can be<br />

only realized by returning to the early commitments to experimentation, innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

evaluation" 17 . The goal of CMF is to collaborate with MFIs <strong>and</strong> experiment in such a way that<br />

we can carefully weigh the costs <strong>and</strong> benefits of different product designs. Experimenting<br />

with various components of credit products will help underst<strong>and</strong> which ones work best <strong>and</strong><br />

develop new designs that successfully solve information problems while being innovative <strong>and</strong><br />

closer to the clients' needs.<br />

According to<br />

Jonathan<br />

Morduch, "the<br />

full promise of<br />

microfinance<br />

can be only<br />

realized by<br />

returning to the<br />

early<br />

commitments<br />

to<br />

experimentation,<br />

innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

evaluation"<br />

2.1 Flexible repayment schedules for dairy clients in KAS<br />

Foundation, Orissa 18<br />

Objective <strong>and</strong> methodology Most MFIs offer loan products with fixed repayment schedules -<br />

weekly or monthly. KAS Foundation (KAS), for example, has a monthly repayment system for its<br />

SHG clients. Yet fixed repayments may not be best for most clients, particularly if their income<br />

is subject to variations due to seasonal activities, business cycle, health, <strong>and</strong> other risks.<br />

The Centre is conducting a r<strong>and</strong>omized experiment to evaluate the benefits of tailoring repayment<br />

schedules to the dairy industry on the following variables: business income, productivity,<br />

households' ability to smooth consumption, <strong>and</strong> face shocks <strong>and</strong> repayment rates. In order to<br />

analyse the trade-off involved in introducing flexible repayment schedules, the experiment<br />

compares two flexible loan products to the existing product of KAS for dairy clients. The first<br />

loan product allows clients to delay payment by 2 principal installments at any point of time<br />


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