minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University


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Center for Spiritual and Personal FormationAs students address issues of spiritualand personal formation identified bothby themselves and by <strong>Bethel</strong> personnel,they are increasingly likely to demonstrate:1. a desire for and commitment to livingin a covenant love relationshipwith God that is marked by a passionfor the Word of God, personalobedience and discipleship, spiritualhunger, and a lifestyle of holinessand spiritual maturity;2. a desire for and commitment toliving with others in covenantallove relationships that are markedby integrity, respect, justice, service,reconciliation, and the ability tobuild bridges across the potentialbarriers of racial, gender, and theologicaldifferences;3. an ability to develop a biblicallygrounded theology of spiritual andpersonal formation, to recognizehistorical instances of the movementof the Holy Spirit, and to criticallyexamine the practice of formationas understood by a variety ofChristian traditions;4. an awareness of their own brokenness,call, and gifting that enablesthem to maintain healthy personaland professional boundaries, appropriatelyuse authority and power,and respond sensitively to the painof others; and5. an ability to respond to God’s call intheir lives with proactive, lifelongpersonal and professional developmentstrategies that are characterizedby honesty, accountability,and a commitment to wholenessspiritually, emotionally, physically,financially, and relationally.Assisting students in becoming wholeand holy persons requires a whole-lifecurriculum experienced in the context ofcommunity interaction and accountability.The Center for Spiritual and PersonalFormation pursues this holisticapproach by incorporating a varietyof formal and informal structures andprograms related to the whole of astudent’s experience at <strong>Bethel</strong>. Thesecluster into three areas: student life,covenant groups, and academic disciplines.Student LifeOpportunities for community involvement,spiritual/leadership development,and emotional, physical, andrelational wellness are coordinatedthrough the Office of Student Life. Examplesof some of the elements of thisholistic program include:• Opportunities for community involvementthrough Genesis (newstudent orientation); the Se<strong>minary</strong>Village hospitality program; theall-se<strong>minary</strong> fall retreat and springbanquet; end-of-quarter potlucks andsocials; and students’ nights out.• Opportunities for spiritual/leadershipdevelopment through the chapel program;community prayer fellowship;missions specials and brown-baglunches; small group experiences;Student Senate; SemWomen (ministryto women students); Womanto-Woman(ministry to wives ofstudents); and retreats.• Opportunities for emotional, physical,and relational wellness throughcounseling for students addressingpersonal or relationship concerns;tutorial assistance; se<strong>minary</strong> foodshelf; the Sunshine Fund (emergencyfund for students); subsidyfor on-campus child developmentprogram; facilities and equipment forphysical exercise; retreats, training,and small-group experiences coordinatedby the Office of RelationshipEnrichment.Spiritual FormationA significant part of students’ experienceswithin the Center for Spiritualand Personal Formation is the formationprogram that provides studentsthe opportunity to join with others inthe journey toward wholeness and holinessin their relationships with Godand one another. Areas of attention includefamily of origin, personality andtemperament, spiritual heritage, spiritualdisciplines, and vocational calling.Students also explore topics such ashuman nature, sin, grace, sanctification,and Christian community. Thegroup reflection process transforms thetheological doctrines learned in classinto character-shaping wisdom that,when faithfully acted on and integratedinto students’ lives, results in personalgodliness.The faculty and administration arededicated to the vision of making<strong>Bethel</strong> Se<strong>minary</strong> a place where peopleare increasing in understanding of theabsolute truth of the gospel, growingtoward personal holiness and wholeness,and gaining the passion and skill tolead people to transforming encounterswith the Lord.SP500/SP505 (SP110/SP109) • Spiritualand Personal Formation: Foundationsand Traditions. This course willexplore biblical and historical modelsand themes for spiritual and personalformation, models of transformationand faith development, and culturaldimensions of formation models andtraditions. St. Paul students only. SP500Four hours; SP505 Two hours.SP501 (SP101) • Disciplines of Spiritualand Personal Formation. This isa first-year course in San Diego. Participantswill explore their experiences ofand relationships with God by askingtheologically reflective questions suchas, “Who is God to me at this time inmy life?” and “Who am I in relationshipto God?” The primary task willbe to help students learn to watch andlisten for how and when the answers tothese questions intersect. The groupswill be a crucial place for students tointegrate what they are learning andexperienceing at <strong>Bethel</strong> with who theyare as children of God and ministeringservants of God. Psychological assessmentintruments are utilized. SanDiego only. Four hours.SP502A, B, C (SP108) • Disciplines ofSpiritual and Personal Formation A,B, and C. This is a first-year course inSt. Paul. Each participant will be ableto explore their experiences of andrelationship with God by asking theologicallyreflective questions such as,“Who is God to me at this time in mylife?” and “Who am I in relationshipto God?” The primary task will be tohelp students learn to watch and listenCourse descriptions apply toall <strong>Bethel</strong> locations unlessotherwise noted.St. Paul • San Diego • Se<strong>minary</strong> of the East119

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