minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University


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Center for Transformational Leadershipcommunity, and global contexts. Studentswill explore, discuss, and evaluatethe literature, current practices,key leaders, and potential new waysof advocating for children in a varietyof settings. Particular attention will begiven to ways to advocate for childrenwith many different kinds of specialneeds. Four hours.CF651DE (CF131DE) • CurriculumDevelopment and Assessment. Thiscourse is a study of the basic conceptsthat undergird learning theory, curriculumdevelopment, and curriculumassessment in children’s and familyministry. It is designed to providea foundation for understanding theteaching-learning process, the processof curriculum planning, curriculumevaluation, and writing of curriculummaterials. Four hours.CF652 (CF132) • Creativity and Modelsof Content Delivery. This courseexplores planning, implementing, andevaluating teaching/learning experiences.The areas of creativity, learningstyles, brain-based learning, and multipleintelligences will be investigatedthrough reading, discussion, classroomexperiences, and student-led teachingopportunities. Students will present inclass, be videotaped, and receive peerreview and instructor feedback. Evaluationis a key component of this course,both self-evaluation and peer review.Prerequisites: CF501 and CF651. Fourhours.CF661 (CF141) • Dynamics of Staffingand Leadership. This courseexplores the essence of Christian leadershipdevelopment and its influenceon staff dynamics. Leadership emergencetheory, grounded in the comparativestudy of life histories of biblical,historical, and contemporary leaders,forms the basis of analysis. This coursewill also address the development ofeffective ministry staff relationships inthe local church. Four hours.CF662DE (CF142DE) • Children’sand Family Ministry Administration.This course explores the manyfacets of the administrative processwithin the context of a staff ministryposition. Administration may beviewed as bringing the resources of anorganization together in such a way asto maximize working relationships ofpeople and programs for the benefitof both the organization and the individualswho comprise it. Students willbe encouraged to examine the biblicalbases for visionary leadership and thepractical skills of creating and maintaininghealthy programs for childrenand families. Four hours.Discipleship inCommunityJohn R. CioncaJohn LillisThe goal of Christian education ispresenting all people mature in Christ(Col. 1:28). This task is accomplishedby equipping competent leaders whowill pass on the faith to the variouspeople groups, cultures, and generationswithin their spheres of influence.Sadly, however, the great biblical andtheological truths of Scripture canappear as dead stories and pharisaicaltraditions in the hands of an unskilledcommunicator. But when the messageis embodied in a Spirit-filled, captivatingteacher, like Christ, the Biblecomes alive and people are changed.Thus, studies in Christian educationare designed to help ministers becomeeffective orchestrators of learning intheir faith communities.Objectives:Study in Discipleship in Communityenables students to:1. develop a biblical/theological frameworkfor discipleship in community;2. appreciate different program modelsof educational ministry;3. design an effective structure fordirecting volunteer services;4. develop a process for building dynamicministry teams; and5. cultivate personal teaching skillsand small group leadership abilities.DC501 (DC101) • Discipleship inCommunity. This course introducesstudents to the biblical and theologicalfoundations for discipleship in thefaith community, including the role ofthe Holy Spirit in teaching. Philosophyand models of ministry are considered.Participants develop an understandingof missional and programmatic emphasesin ministry to children, youth, andadults. Learning styles and instructionalmethods are studied. Buildinga network of effective ministry teamsis a primary focus. Students gain avision and enthusiasm for the teaching-shepherdingpossibilities withinany congregation. Formerly entitled“Educational Ministry of the Church.”Four hours. Se<strong>minary</strong> of the East courseincludes a Guided Learning Experience.Four hours.DC513 (DC113) • TransformationalLeadership. An overview and analysisof issues critical to effectiveness in avariety of ministry leadership roles. Acommon emphasis on personal issuesfor the leader and leadership dynamicswill be combined with an emphasison the particular concerns of pastors,youth ministers, Christian educationleaders, parachurch agency workers,and leaders in cross-cultural settings.(Cognate credit with TL513 andML513.) Four hours.DC661 (DC141) • Team Leadership.This course offers an overviewof the knowledge, skills, and abilitiesnecessary for sustained success inteam leadership. The Bible, contemporaryliterature, and congregationalstudies are drawn together to informthe student’s leadership awareness.Principles and practices for attracting,developing, and maintaininghigh-performance ministry teams areexamined. Special emphasis is given toidentifying and discussing the criticalknowledge, skills, and abilities requiredfor sustained success in a team-based,entrepreneurial organizational setting.(Cognate credit with ML661.) Fourhours.DC622 (DC122) • Advocacy for SpecialNeeds Children and Families.This course is designed to give studentsexposure to multiple avenues of advocacywithin the church, family, community,and global contexts. Students willexplore, discuss, and evaluate the literature,current practices, key leaders, andpotential new ways of advocating forchildren in a variety of settings. Particularattention will be given to waysto advocate for children with many differentkinds of special needs. (Cognatecredit with CF622.) Four hours.DC635 (DC235) • Foundations ofYouth Ministry. A philosophy ofministry to young people and their131St. Paul • San Diego • Se<strong>minary</strong> of the East

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