minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University


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Student andCommunity LifeAcademic AdvisingEach incoming degree programstudent is assigned an advisor whoseeks to understand the academicand vocational goals of the student,as well as his or her personal needs.Returning students are assigned advisorsaccording to their concentrations.Students are encouraged to attend allof the group advisee/advisor meetingsplanned during the year.Community WorshipOpportunitiesThere are a variety of community worshipopportunities available to studentsat each of our campuses. Please referto your individual campus section fordetails on community life gatherings,small group prayer and Bible studies,and more.CounselingAt registration all degree studentsare assigned to faculty advisors whoassist students in planning their programsof study. They also will becomeacquainted with the students in order“... a time is coming andhas now come when thetrue worshipers will worshipthe Father in spiritand truth, for they arethe kind of worshipersthe Father seeks. God isspirit, and his worshipersmust worship in spiritand in truth.”John 4:23-24to counsel them on a personal basis asneeds arise. Students are encouraged toseek interviews with the provost andfaculty members at any time.Evaluation of StudentProgressBecause of the seriousness of se<strong>minary</strong>education, all incoming students,including transfer students, are acceptedon a provisional basis. In St.Paul, students are evaluated in a varietyof formal and informal ways, includingsupervised ministry assessmentsand interpersonal communicationsboth inside and outside the classroom.Students are also given an opportunityto report on their thinking and experiencein relation to se<strong>minary</strong> academicwork, participation in community life,supervised ministry, growth in life asservants of God, and progress towardtheir ultimate ministry goals.Photo by Greg Schneider13

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