minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University


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MARK W. MCCLOSKEY1998-Professor of Ministry Leadership;Lead Faculty, Masterof Arts in TransformationalLeadership<strong>Bethel</strong> Se<strong>minary</strong> St. PaulERWIN MCMANUS2000-Distinguished Lecturer andFuturistTHORSTEN MORITZ2001-Professor of New Testament<strong>Bethel</strong> Se<strong>minary</strong> St. PaulDON MORTENSON2003-Associate Professor ofPastoral Care<strong>Bethel</strong> Se<strong>minary</strong> St. PaulFacultyB.A., Miami of Ohio; M.Div.,<strong>Bethel</strong> Theological Se<strong>minary</strong>;Ph.D., <strong>University</strong> of SouthFloridaA staff member with CampusCrusade for Christ for24 years, McCloskey servedin a variety of leadershipcapacities, including campusdirector at the <strong>University</strong> ofNorth Dakota, area directorfor the upper midwest,director of human resources,director of strategic planning,director of internationalstudent outreach,and national director forleadership development. Heis a consultant and workshopleader in the areas ofstrategic planning, leadershipdevelopment, and teambuilding. McCloskey is theauthor of Tell It Often, TellIt Well, a textbook on evangelism.B.A., <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina;M.Div., SouthwesternBaptist Theological Se<strong>minary</strong>McManus serves as lead pastorand cultural architect ofMosaic, a uniquely innovative,international congregationin Los Angeles. He is anational and internationalstrategist and communicatoron culture, change, creativity,and leadership. McManusis also the catalyst behindAwaken, a collaboration ofentrepreneurs committed tocreating environments thatexpand imagination andunleash creativity. He partnerswith <strong>Bethel</strong> Se<strong>minary</strong> asa distinguished lecturer andfuturist. He is author of AnUnstoppable Force; Uprising:A Revolution of the Soul (andthe companion The UprisingExperience life storyboard);The Barbarian Way; ChasingDaylight; and Soul Cravings,just released in 2006.M.Div., Freie TheologischeAkademie, Giessen, Germany;M.Th., London Bible College,London; Ph.D., King’s College,LondonMoritz grew up in the BlackForest, Germany, and wasan exchange student in theU.S. during high school.During the past 11 years, hetaught at the <strong>University</strong> ofGloucestershire, England;Leipzig <strong>University</strong> and theFreie Theologische Akademie,both in Germany; andin Romania. He authored amonograph about hermeneuticsin Ephesians, A ProfoundMystery, and articleson the Gospels, Ephesians,hermeneutics, and consumerism.Moritz is a member ofthe Scripture and HermeneuticsProject. He is currentlywriting the “Mark” commentaryfor the Two Horizonscommentary series as wellas another monograph onNew Testament ecclesiology.His professional associationsinclude the Tyndale Fellowship(Cambridge, England),the Arbeitskreis fur evangelikaleTheologie (Tubingen,Germany), and the Societyof Biblical Literature.B.S., <strong>University</strong> of Wisconsin,Stevens Point; M.Ed., MississippiState <strong>University</strong>; M.Div.,<strong>Bethel</strong> Se<strong>minary</strong>; D.Min.,<strong>Bethel</strong> Se<strong>minary</strong>Since 1978, Mortenson hasprovided counseling servicesfor individuals, couples,and families. He worked incolleges and universities for15 years in areas of studentdevelopment, counseling,and teaching, and servedin dean positions at <strong>Bethel</strong>College and the <strong>University</strong>of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.With an undergraduatedegree in forestry, his passionslie in the appreciationof and restoration of God’screation. He is an advocateof Christian camping andhas worked full time in thisministry. Prior to his fulltimefaculty appointment,Mortenson served for 10years as counseling pastorand pastor of discipleship inthe local church. He currentlyserves as a police chaplainfor the Ramsey CountySheriff’s Office. He is a memberof the American Associationof Christian Counselors,the Association for ClinicalPastoral Education, and theInternational Conference ofPolice Chaplains.147

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