minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University


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Center for Transformational LeadershipSt. Paul • San Diego • Se<strong>minary</strong> of the EastThe transformational leader servesand ministers under the authority ofthe Word of God. The leader handlesaccurately the word of truth (II Timothy3:16), manifesting a hermeneuticallysound, theologically astute, andhistorically informed understandingand presentation of the New Testaservingthrough seasons of ministry,and designing a personal developmentplan. Professional growth areas includebuilding healthy congregations, understandingcultural trends, implementingchange, navigating ministry transitions,and designing a professionalplan. (Cognate credit with DC705.)Four hours.ML732 (ML232) • Starting NewChurches. A definition of the need forstarting new churches as a valid approachto winning unchurched peoplein America as well as unreached peoplegroups around the w<strong>orld</strong>. A theologicalrationale, overarching strategies forcongregations, plus specific tools andtechniques are combined to provide resourcesfor pastors of small churches orchurches in transition, as well as thosewho want to start new churches. (Cognatecredit with GC732.) Four hours.ML791 (ML261) • Case Studies inTransformational Leadership. Thiscourse provides students the opportunityfor integrative reflection on thebiblical foundations, contemporaryresearch, and historical and contemporarypractice of transformational, servingleadership. The course will focuson biblical, historical, and contemporarycase studies of transformationalleadership as it is expressed in a varietyof cultural and community contexts.Prerequisites: ML513, TL501, HS501,NT501 (or NT551), OT501 (or OT551),TS501, either SP500, SP502 or SP505,and a minimum of three ML concentrationcourses. Four hours.ML792 (ML260) • Senior IntegrativeSeminar. This final, integrativeseminar offers the student a summativeexperience of the formal curriculum,assessments, and mentored leadershipexperience of the M.A. in TransformationalLeadership program. The coursewill provide students the opportunityto review, reflect, and integrate thecurriculum from each of the previouscourses. Four hours.2. Analysis/StrategyBuildingety of ministry problems ranging fromstaff conflicts to doctrinal disputes.Attention also will be given to the useof cases as a means of congregationaleducation. Offered alternate years in St.Paul. Four hours.ML720 (ML210) • CongregationalSystems. A study of the local churchas an organism and organization. Eachcongregation is unique in identity,context, process, and program. Effectiveministry requires a full and accurate interpretationof church life. This coursedevelops basic approaches, methods,and tools for analysis of a congregation.A model for church health provides abasis for the creation of ministry strategyand problem solutions. (Cognatecredit with DC720.) Offered alternateyears in St. Paul. Four hours.3. Contextual StudiesML601 (ML220) • Street Culture, thePoor and Urban Ministry. An explorationof the current problems of urbansociety and the challenges these realitiespresent to the church. Field experiencesin urban churches will providethe context for both problem analysisand strategy building. (Cognate creditwith GC601.) Four hours.4. ResearchML670 (ML270) • Independent Studyin Ministry Leadership. Research andstudy by arrangement with the professor.(Permission is required.)Preaching andCommunicationCourse descriptions apply toall <strong>Bethel</strong> locations unlessotherwise noted.ML712 (ML212) • Solving MinistryProblems. An application of the casemethod to church problems. Thiscourse will explore and analyze a varimentand Old Testament. The leader isable to apply the Word of God with aview to its relevance to contemporarycultures and to all facets of leadingGod’s people. Studies in preaching aredesigned to lay the foundation for alifetime of effective expository preaching.The Word of God is living andactive (Hebrews 4:12). As such, it mustbe communicated with a view to soundbiblical exegesis, as well as addressingcontemporary people dealing in thecontext of life’s issues and concerns.The effective transformational leaderpossesses the ability to communicatethe Word of God in a manner thatproduces lasting and healthy change atpersonal, interpersonal, organizational,community, and global levels. Thisincludes preaching, teaching, smallgroups, and one-to-one communicationof biblical truth.Objectives:Studies in preaching will enable studentsto:1. effectively communicate the Wordof God to contemporary people andcultures;2. effectively prepare, communicate,and evaluate a variety of types andstyles of sermons, with emphasisgiven to the expository approach topreaching;3. effectively communicate the Wordof God in a variety of life situations;and4. effectively communicate the Wordof God to a racially and culturallydiverse w<strong>orld</strong>.CP501 (CP101) • Introduction toPreaching.CP511 (CP101SE) • Homiletics I:Introduction to Preaching. A basiccourse in the principles of biblicalpreaching and sermon constructiondesigned to introduce students to thepurpose, nature, types, and techniquesof preparing for and communicatingthe Word of God to contemporarypeople and society. Particular attentionwill be given to one basic structuralpattern in sermon preparation thatwill become foundational for a variedapproach to preaching. The expositoryapproach to preaching is emphasized.This course is designed for second-year138

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