minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University


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Becoming Whole andHoly Persons: ACovenant for LifeTogether at <strong>Bethel</strong><strong>Bethel</strong> <strong>University</strong> is an educationalcommunity committed to integratingevangelical Christian faith with learningand life. As people created in theimage of the covenant-keeping God, wecovenant together to discover the mindof Christ and to become like Christ. Wepursue this mission as people called byJesus to live holy lives, according to thevalues, expectations, and goals of thekingdom of God. A crucial part of ourmission is to develop whole and holypersons who will go into the w<strong>orld</strong> toserve others.To be whole and holy means to be dedicatedto God with purity of thoughtand action. It means that we are toserve God using the gifts and abilitiesthat we have been given. Our communityhas a special calling to discover,teach, learn, and live what is true. Westrive to understand the w<strong>orld</strong> in lightof the life, death, and resurrectionof Christ. This gives us a distinctivew<strong>orld</strong>view, educational mission, andcalling.Our calling includes a commitmentto nurture one another. We strive toelevate kingdom values over personalagendas. We attempt to measure everydecision and priority in terms of ourloving submission to the lordship ofChrist and our commitment to oneanother. Christ’s power within us anda clear sense of our calling gives us ajoyful freedom to do God’s will.Jesus taught us that right motives andloving relationships are at the core ofwhole and holy living. His two greatestcommands are to love God withall of our heart, soul, and mind, andto love our neighbors as ourselves. 1These connect serving God and servingothers. In grace, Scripture also givesus specific rules to guide us in living.Jesus taught that keeping these rulesis an expression of love for God. 2 TheBible condemns legalistic rule-keeping.It emphasizes loving relationships andpure motives in living out these rules. 3Living a Biblical LifestyleThe Bible frequently speaks about aholy lifestyle. Such passages are foundthroughout the Old and New Testaments.4 The Bible describes characterqualities and actions that should bepresent in the lives of believers. Theseinclude prayer, evangelism, kindness,humility, compassion, forgiveness,hospitality, personal integrity, generosityto the poor, care for the oppressed,study of God’s Word, accountability toone another, recognition of the rights ofothers, commitment to justice, regulargathering for worship, and living inharmony.The Bible also identifies characterqualities and actions that should notbe present in the lives of believers. Forexample: destructive anger, malice,rage, sexual immorality, impurity, lust,evil desires, greed, idolatry, slander,profanity, lying, homosexual behavior,drunkenness, thievery, and dishonesty. 5Special Expectations for the <strong>Bethel</strong>CommunityBecause of <strong>Bethel</strong>’s commitment toChrist, our unique calling as an educationalcommunity, and our understandingof what it means to live in today’sw<strong>orld</strong>, we want to state clearly some of<strong>Bethel</strong>’s rules and expectations. Theseare based on:• our understanding of the Bible andits importance;• our desire to promote wellness andhealth in all areas: social, emotional,mental, physical, and spiritual;• our theological and cultural heritage;and• our understanding of our missionand calling.We recognize that not all devoutChristians share these rules and expectations.However, certain issues areimportant for our educational missionsand our life together at <strong>Bethel</strong>. They aredesigned to facilitate our growth, development,and learning as a community.We view learning and the pursuit of truthas a special calling.• We commit ourselves to integrity,excellence, consideration of differentpoints of view, and collegiality in allof our academic work.• We will not tolerate plagiarism andother forms of academic dishonesty. 6We believe that life is sacred and peoplehave worth because they are created inGod’s image. 7• We will value human life in all its diversityand fullness, recognizing thatwomen and men of all races, ages,and ability levels reflect the creativegenius of our Maker.• We view racism and sexism as sinfuland reflective of some of the mostharmful aspects of our culture. Wewill abstain from discriminationbased on race, ethnicity, gender, age,and disability. We will also abstainfrom gossip, deliberate divisiveness,and malicious humor.We believe that our relationshipsshould reflect our connections in thebody of Christ. 8• We affirm mutual respect and promisekeeping in relationships amongstudents, colleagues, teachers andlearners, spouses, and friends.• We grieve the hurt and destructivenessof broken relationships, especiallythose involving divorce andabuse. We will strive to be a communitywhere healing occurs.We believe our minds and bodies shouldbe used in God-honoring ways. 9• We will promote the health of ourbodies, minds, and emotions.• We will abstain from illicit or nonmedicaluse of drugs, narcotics,and other substances. We will alsoabstain from use or possession ofalcoholic beverages and tobacco inany form.Student and Community Life15

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