minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University


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St. PaulPreaching andCommunicationThis concentration is focused on trainingcommunicators to transform thew<strong>orld</strong>. Students focusing in this areawill be trained to live and communicatebiblical truth in a variety of settingsthrough classroom work and communicationin live settings. Students will developskills in sermon preparation anddelivery, integration of biblical exegesisand understanding the audience. Thepersonal and spiritual development ofthe communicator will be a key focusof this concentration. (Electives: Fivepreaching, two CTL, one SPF, one BTF)Youth MinistryThis concentration prepares studentsto lead ministries to young people inboth church and parachurch settings. Atheological foundation and philosophicalunderstanding of ministry to youthand their families in light of currentissues is developed. Specific competenciesare attained through course work,an initial practicum, and a professionalinternship. The experiential componentfocuses on the integration of theology,theory, and practice. (Concentrationcourses include: DC635, DC636,DC661, PC710 or PC726, DC745 orDC742, DC705, one SPF, two BTF)<strong>Class</strong>ical AreaChristian ThoughtA concentration in Christian Thoughtserves students whose sense of leadingpoints toward teaching, evangelism,discipleship, and apologetics withina pastoral context. In supplementingthe broader ministry preparationprovided by the master of divinity, thisconcentration gives students a systemicgrasp of the Christian w<strong>orld</strong>view. Theprogram may appeal to those who approachchurch life with a passion forreaching people with the gospel andfor strengthening believers by help-ing them know the reasons for faith.Students in this concentration willalso have opportunities to study withoutstanding visiting scholars in philosophyof religion. Students participatein internships with the department ofsupervised ministry. Those who sense acall to outreach or discipleship ministryusing the concentration in ChristianThought may develop their internshipswith those ministries in view. Availablein St. Paul only. (Electives: TS241,TS201, 202 or 203; one TS, three PH,one SPF, two CTL)Historical StudiesThis concentration prepares studentsfor ministry by selecting courses designedto describe Christian diversity.Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestantexperiences in Europe and America willenrich one’s understanding of Christendom.It will also inspire solidarity witha geographical and temporal w<strong>orld</strong>,which will foster a truly internationalmission. (Electives: HS601, HS602, orHS603; four HS; one OT, NT, or TS;two CTL; one SPF)New TestamentThis concentration seeks to assist thosestudents who desire to preach and teachauthoritatively from the Greek NewTestament and/or seek to pursue furthergraduate training in this area. It does soby building upon the basic beginningGreek with which a student enters theconcentration and the four requiredGreek New Testament courses in thecore curriculum. (Electives: four NT;two OT, TS, or HS; two CTL; one SPF)Old TestamentStudents will strengthen their ministrypreparation by learning the essentials ofthe Hebrew language, develop exegeticalskills in interpreting the HebrewBible, and gain a deeper appreciationfor the theological messages of the OldTestament. (Electives: four OT; two TS,HS, or NT; two CTL; one SPF)Theological StudiesThe student will be helped to developexpertise in responding to the criticaltheological, ethical, and apologeticissues faced today. This concentrationwill benefit men and women in a varietyof ministries including church,parachurch, higher education, writing,and chaplaincy. This program willenhance understanding of theologicalissues and the skills of theologicalanalysis and synthesis. (Electives:HS601, 602, or 603; four TS; one HS,OT, or NT; two CTL; one SPF)Combined AreasBiblical ExpositionThis concentration is designed forthose who anticipate a pulpit ministryfocused on biblical expositional preaching.Hebrew and/or Greek languagestudy is required. By selecting coursesfrom both the classical and appliedareas, the student is helped to integratelanguage study with a proclamationministry.Generalist AreaStudents who anticipate placementrequiring competence in several disciplinesor where specialization is notnecessary may wish to choose theGeneralist concentration as a way ofstrengthening their ministry skills.Courses are chosen from the variousdepartments on the basis of the student’sparticular interest and vocationalgoals. Students are required to takea minimum of one advanced coursein each department of the Generalistconcentration area.54

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