minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University


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of study, dates of attendance, degreeearned, previous educational agenciesor institutions attended by the student,and awards and honors. Students maywithhold directory information by notifyingthe registrar in writing within twoweeks after the first day of classes forthat quarter. Requests for nondisclosurewill be honored by this institution foronly one academic year. Thus, authorizationto withhold directory informationmust be filed annually in the Officeof the Registrar.The law further provides studentswith the right to review informationcontained in their educational records,with the exception of reference formsor other material for which the studenthas waived his or her right to accessfor recommendations received prior toJanuary 1, 1975. This information includesapplication for admission, copiesof correspondence to the student, andtranscripts of college and/or se<strong>minary</strong>work. In order to review the materialbelonging to his or her educationalrecord, the student must make writtenrequest of the appropriate administrativeoffice, which will set up a time forthe student to do so within 10 days.GradesThe faculty has adopted a four-pointgrading system with 12 levels as follows:GradePointsA 4.0A- 3.7B+ 3.3B 3.0B- 2.7C+ 2.3C 2.0C- 1.7D+ 1.3D 1.0D- .7F .0<strong>Bethel</strong> Se<strong>minary</strong> serves students whoare preparing for a variety of ministrycontexts. Some students will pursuefurther graduate study. As a result,<strong>Bethel</strong> strives to maintain a gradingsystem that accurately reflects the qualityof a student’s work and capacity foradvanced study.Students are expected to demonstrate“Leadership is first ofall not something onedoes but somethingone is.”Leighton Fordgraduate-level writing skills—includingcorrect grammar, spelling, and punctuation—inall course work, and to fulfillcourse requirements as listed in thecourse syllabus. Professors are encouragedto define their grading criteria andpolicy on late work and incompletesin each course syllabus. Grades will beassigned using the full range of lettergrades (A-F), representing the followinglevels of performance:A Excellent work submitted; evidenceof outstanding ability to synthesizeand use course knowledge; consistentevidence of creativity andoriginality; insightful contributionsin class; consistent demonstrationof integrative and critical thinkingskills; regular class attendance; andrespectful interaction.B Good work submitted; evidence ofsubstantial ability to analyze anduse course knowledge; evidence ofcreativity and originality; thoughtfulcontributions in class; demonstrationof integrative and critical thinkingskills; regular class attendance;and respectful interaction.C Acceptable work submitted; evidenceof adequate ability to analyzeand use course knowledge; appropriatecontributions in class;attempts at integration and critique;regular class attendance; and respectfulinteraction.D Poor work submitted; little evidenceof ability to analyze and use courseknowledge; inconsistent evidenceof mastery of course content; fewcontributions in class; no attemptsat integration and critique; inconsistentclass attendance; and respectfulinteraction.F Inadequate work submitted; insufficientevidence of ability to analyzeand use course knowledge; inappropriateand/or disrespectful contributionsin class; poor class attendance;or failure to complete course requirements.Please note that a grade of C representssatisfactory performance, andthat students are required to hold acumulative grade point average of2.0 or higher (C average) to graduatewith a degree from <strong>Bethel</strong>.The grade of F may be supersededby a second grade when the studentretakes the course. The firstF remains on the transcript but isremoved from computation of thegrade point average.I Incomplete (granted for emergencysituations only).P Pass. C work or above (course withoutgrade points).Students are allowed to take threeadvanced-level courses on a Pass/Fail basis. Such courses, however,may not be in the student’s concentrationin the M.A. program or theM.Div. program if the student is pursuinga concentration. The work in aPass/Fail course must be of at least Clevel for a grade of Pass. The decisionto take a course Pass/Fail mustbe made within the first two weeksof the quarter and the appropriateform completed for that purpose.Students should realize that the professorhas the prerogative to requirea letter grade if he or she feels thatthe nature of the material involveddemands such evaluation. No corecourses may be taken on a Pass/Failbasis. Students may take more thanthree Pass/Fail courses only if theytake more than the minimum numberof courses required for graduationin that degree program.W Withdrawal is allowed during thethird through seventh weeks ofthe quarter. From the eighth week,a grade of F is recorded for withdrawals.SemPM modular studentsreceive a W if they withdraw inwriting by the fourth class sessionof a five-week course. Studentsenrolled in year-long courses will begranted a withdraw on a proratedbasis, with three weeks being equalto one week of the course.St. Paul • San Diego • Se<strong>minary</strong> of the East1

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