minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University


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Description ofConcentrationsSt. PaulNote: The concentrations listed belowapply to the master of divinity degree,single language track, in the traditionaldelivery system. They are modified fordual language tracks.Applied AreaChildren’s & FamilyMinistryThis concentration is currently availableonly in the InMinistry deliveryformat. Concentration courses includeCF501 (in lieu of DC501), HS503(in lieu of HS501), HS610 (in lieu ofHS502), PC713 (in lieu of PC501),CF661 (in lieu of ML513), CF502,PC745, DC742, SP500, CF622, CF651,CF652, ML551,2,3, and four electivesfrom the Center for Biblical and TheologicalFoundations.Community MinistryIn this concentration, <strong>Bethel</strong> studentsprepare to work with populationscommonly found in an urban ministrycontext. Any community group is considereda possible candidate for communityministry, but special attention isgiven to at-risk groups or groups withspecial needs. Concentration courses:GC603, GC661, GC662, GC663,GC702; two CTL, one BTF, one SPF.Discipleship in CommunityThe Discipleship in Community concentrationis provided for the studentwho plans to be involved with both thepastoral and educational ministries ofthe church. The aim of the concentrationis to build skills and understandingin educational studies, integrating themwith biblical, theological, and histori-cal disciplines. A student’s particularministry call and goals will influencecourse selection. Areas of focus include:general discipleship, family ministries,adult ministries, youth ministries,children’s ministries, women’s ministries,or teaching for transformation.(Electives: Five DC, two CTL, one BTF,one SPF)Family MinistryThe Family Ministry concentrationhelps students develop ministry approachesto entire families. While manygraduates will serve in positions suchas children’s ministry, youth ministry, orassociate pastorates, they are equippedto offer programs and pastoral care thatfocus on nurturing families throughouttheir various life stages. Those interestedin private counseling and licensureshould pursue licensure in a Marriageand Family Therapy program. (Concentrationcourses include: DC742,DC745, PC711; two of CF501, DC636,DC741; DC or MF elective; PC or MFelective; one BTF, one CTL)Marriage and FamilyStudiesThe Marriage and Family Studies concentrationallows students to learn theskills both to provide pastoral leadershipand to understand family systems.It teaches students to teach, preach,and administer programs in ways thatare sensitive to family issues, and tounderstand systemic dynamics of congregationallife. Concentration coursesinclude: MF501, MF502, MF551,MF552, MF561; two SP or PC; one BTF,one CTL.Global and ContextualStudiesUrgent concerns for w<strong>orld</strong> evangelizationfocus the Global and ContextualStudies concentration on what is necessaryto develop leaders for a multiculturalpartnership with churches aroundthe w<strong>orld</strong>. A thorough biblical andtheological foundation with emphasison cross‐cultural studies is provided.The aim is developing prayerful supportof missions in order to start andmultiply churches to produce discipleswho meet the needs of people inChrist’s name. (Concentration coursesinclude: GC610, GC611, GC650,GC660, GC672 or GC733; two CTL,one SPF, one BTF)Pastoral CareThe concentration in Pastoral Careenables students to prepare for thecounseling tasks common in ministrysettings as well as for preventive educationalefforts in the church. It uses thepastoral framework, but also aims atpreparing laypeople to effectively reachout to hurting people. (Electives: TS753or PC744, six PC, one BTF, one CTL)Ministry LeadershipThe Ministry Leadership concentrationis designed for individuals anticipatingservice as pastors of local churches.Recognizing the diversity of rolesdemanded of the pastor, the concentration’sprimary focus is on developmentof the knowledge, attitudes, and skillsof an effective servant leader. Opportunityis also provided for work in spirituality,pastoral care, and preaching.(Electives: Five ML, two CTL, one BTF,one SPF)53

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